[Ubuntu-bugcontrol] Ubuntu Bug Week Announcement

Gunnar Hjalmarsson gunnarhj at ubuntu.com
Tue Feb 11 21:31:42 UTC 2014

Hi Alberto,

On 2014-02-11 21:34, Alberto Salvia Novella wrote:
> Please tell me the following, although the possible answer doesn't
> seem relevant; so we can figure out what has being missed in the event:
>   * *Why* you choose not to participate?
>   * *What* will make you to participate in an event like this?

As a subscriber to ubuntu-bugcontrol I was informed early in the morning
on Friday, February 6 that the event would happen on Saturday and
Sunday. Not much time to plan, I'd say...

Also, the information was somewhat confusing. A week is usually 7 days,
not 2 days. ;-)

I would like to encourage you to make a new attempt, but then announce
it well in advance of the event.

Personally I worked with Ubuntu in other ways the whole weekend, but I
don't think the reasons for my priorities are of general interest.

Gunnar Hjalmarsson

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