[Ubuntu GNOME Team] Call For Help!
Alberto Salvia Novella
es20490446e at gmail.com
Thu Oct 31 17:33:45 UTC 2013
Some time ago I realized that nothing is needed for understanding
Because simple is simple.
El 31/10/13 16:25, Iberê Fernandes escribió:
> 2013/10/31 Alberto Salvia Novella <es20490446e at gmail.com
> <mailto:es20490446e at gmail.com>>
> An extract of "Rework: Change the way you work forever"
> <http://sharkinfestedcustard.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/rework-jason-fried.pdf>:*
> **
> *
> *Throw less at the problem*
> Watch chef Gordon Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares and you'll see a
> pattern. The
> menus at failing restaurants offer too many dishes. The owners
> think making every dish
> under the sun will broaden the appeal of the restaurant.
> Instead it makes for crappy food
> (and creates inventory headaches).
> That's why Ramsay's first step is nearly always to trim the
> menu, usually from
> thirty-plus dishes to around ten. Think about that. Improving
> the current menu doesn't
> come first. Trimming it down comes first. Then he polishes
> what's left.
> When things aren't working, the natural inclination is to
> throw more at the
> problem. More people, time, and money. All that ends up doing
> is making the problem
> bigger. The right way to go is the opposite direction: Cut back.
> So do less. Your project won't suffer nearly as much as you
> fear. In fact, there's agood chance
> it'll end up even better. You'll be forced to make tough calls
> and sort out
> what truly matters.
> If you start pushing back deadlines and increasing your
> budget, you'll never stop.
> *Embrace constraints*
> "I don't have enough time/money/people/experience." Stop
> whining. Less is a
> good thing. Constraints are advantages in disguise. Limited
> resources force you to make
> do with what you've got. There's no room for waste. And that
> forces you to be creative.
> Ever seen the weapons prisoners make out of soap or a spoon?
> They make do
> with what they've got. Now we're not saying you should go out
> and shank somebody--but
> get creative and you'll be amazed at what you can make with
> just a little.
> Writers use constraints to force creativity all the time.
> Shakespeare reveled in the
> limitations of sonnets (fourteen-line lyric poems in iambic
> pentameter with a specific
> rhyme scheme). Haiku and limericks also have strict rules that
> lead to creative results.
> Writers like Ernest Hemingway and Raymond Carver found that
> forcing themselves to
> use simple, clear language helped them deliver maximum impact.
> The Price Is Right, the longest-running game show in history,
> is also a great
> example of creativity born from embracing constraints. The
> show has more than a
> hundred games, and each one is based on the question "How much
> does this item cost?"
> That simple formula has attracted fans for more than thirty years.
> Southwest--unlike most other airlines, which fly multiple
> aircraft models--flies
> only Boeing 737s. As a result, every Southwest pilot, flight
> attendant, and ground-crew
> member can work any flight. Plus, all of Southwest's parts fit
> all of its planes. All that
> means lower costs and a business that's easier to run. They
> made it easy on themselves.
> When we were building Basecamp, we had plenty of limitations.
> We had a design
> firm to run with existing client work, a seven-hour time
> difference between principals
> (David was doing the programming in Denmark, the rest of us
> were in the States), a small
> team, and no outside funding. These constraints forced us to
> keep the product simple.
> These days, we have more resources and people, but we still
> force constraints. We
> make sure to have only one or two people working on a product
> at a time. And we always
> keep features to a minimum. Boxing ourselves in this way
> prevents us from creating
> bloated products.
> So before you sing the "not enough" blues, see how far you can
> get with what you
> have.
> *Start at the epicenter*
> When you start anything new, there are forces pulling you in a
> variety of
> directions. There's the stuff you could do, the stuff you want
> to do, and the stuff you have
> to do. The stuff you have to do is where you should begin.
> Start at the epicenter.
> For example, if you're opening a hot dog stand, you could
> worry about the
> condiments, the cart, the name, the decoration. But the first
> thing you should worry about
> is the hot dog. The hot dogs are the epicenter. Everything
> else is secondary.
> The way to find the epicenter is to ask yourself this
> question: "If I took this away,
> would what I'm selling still exist?" A hot dog stand isn't a
> hot dog stand without the hot
> dogs. You can take away the onions, the relish, the mustard,
> etc. Some people may notlike
> your toppings-less dogs, but you'd still have a hot dog stand.
> But you simply cannot
> have a hot dog stand without any hot dogs.
> So figure out your epicenter. Which part of your equation
> can't be removed? If
> you can continue to get by without this thing or that thing,
> then those things aren't the
> epicenter. When you find it, you'll know. Then focus all your
> energy on making it the
> best it can be. Everything else you do depends on that foundation.
> *Build half a product, not a half-assed product*
> You can turn a bunch of great ideas into a crappy product real
> fast by trying to do
> them all at once. You just can't do everything you want to do
> and do it well. You have
> limited time, resources, ability, and focus. It's hard enough
> to do one thing right. Trying
> to do ten things well at the same time? Forget about it.
> So sacrifice some of your darlings for the greater good. Cut
> your ambition in half.
> You're better off with a kick-ass half than a half-assed whole.
> Most of your great ideas won't seem all that great once you
> get some perspective,
> anyway. And if they truly are that fantastic, you can always
> do them later.
> Lots of things get better as they get shorter. Directors cut
> good scenes to make a
> great movie. Musicians drop good tracks to make a great album.
> Writers eliminate good
> pages to make a great book. We cut this book in half between
> the next-to-last and finaldrafts.
> From 57,000 words to about 27,000 words. Trust us, it's better
> for it.
> So start chopping. Getting to great starts by cutting out
> stuff that's merely good.
> *Focus on what won't change*
> A lot of companies focus on the next big thing. They latch on
> to what's hot and
> new. They follow the latest trends and technology.
> That's a fool's path. You start focusing on fashion instead of
> substance. You start
> paying attention to things that are constantly changing
> instead of things that last.
> The core of your business should be built around things that
> won't change. Things
> that people are going to want today and ten years from now.
> Those are the things you
> should invest in.
> Amazon.com focuses on fast (or free) shipping, great
> selection, friendly returnpolicies,
> and affordable prices. These things will always be in high demand.
> Japanese automakers also focus on core principles that don't
> change: reliability,
> affordability, and practicality. People wanted those things
> thirty years ago, they want
> them today, and they'll want them thirty years from now.
> For 37signals, things like speed, simplicity, ease of use, and
> clarity are our focus.
> Those are timeless desires. People aren't going to wake up in
> ten years and say, "Man, I
> wish software was harder to use." They won't say, "I wish this
> application was slower."
> Remember, fashion fades away. When you focus on permanent
> features, you're in
> bed with things that never go out of style.
> If you found this interesting, perhaps you shall want to have a
> look at the book.
> Thank you.
> El 31/10/13 13:53, Ali Linx (amjjawad) escribió:
>> Hi,
>> Help is needed and highly appreciated :)
>> Thanks!
>> *---------- Forwarded message ----------*
>> From: Ali Linx (amjjawad) <amjjawad at gmail.com
>> <mailto:amjjawad at gmail.com>>
>> Date: Sat, Oct 26, 2013 at 10:40 AM
>> *Subject: [ATTENTION] LTS Release - Urgent Need for More People*
>> To: ubuntu-gnome <ubuntu-gnome at lists.ubuntu.com
>> <mailto:ubuntu-gnome at lists.ubuntu.com>>
>> Hello Everyone,
>> As you may know, 14.04 Cycle is an LTS (Long Term Support) Cycle.
>> Having that said, Ubuntu and most of the official flavours will
>> have LTS Release. For the moment, the lack of Manpower could keep
>> us away from having an LTS Release. However, after a discussion
>> with our Developers, we'd like to announce the urgent need for
>> these roles:
>> 1- Someone with Bug Control to 'Actively Commit' to triaging
>> Ubuntu GNOME bugs.
>> 2- Couple of people helping out with 'Bug Fixing'.
>> 3- People to help with 'Packaging' on the PPA's
>> PLEASE NOTE: We are looking for people with experience and
>> skills! We NEED people to commit for 3-5 years support and not
>> just join for few months then leave.
>> NO PROMISES to be made but we would be comfortable enough to
>> submit an application to the Technical Board in order to have an
>> LTS Release when we will have volunteers who can actively
>> contribute and help us.
>> If you have the required experience and skills or if you know
>> someone who has, please let us know :)
>> Thank you!
>> *Please, FEEL FREE to share this email and spread the word.
>> *
>> --
>> Remember: "All of us are smarter than any one of us."
>> Best Regards,
>> amjjawad <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad>
>> Areas of Involvement
>> <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad/AreasOfInvolvement>
>> My Projects <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad/Projects>
> --
> Ubuntu-quality mailing list
> Ubuntu-quality at lists.ubuntu.com
> <mailto:Ubuntu-quality at lists.ubuntu.com>
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> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-quality
> Wow, thank you for sharing Alberto!
> I'd like to add my 2 cents, quoted from John Maeda's Laws of Simplicity:
> 1 reduce
> The simplest way to achieve simplicity is through thoughtful reduction.
> 2 organize
> 3 time
> Organization makes a system of many appear fewer.
> Savings in time feel like simplicity.
> 4 learn
> Knowledge makes everything simpler.
> 5 diΩerences
> Simplicity and complexity need each other.
> 6 context What lies in the periphery of simplicity is definitely not
> peripheral.
> 7 emotion More emotions are better than less.
> 8 trust
> In simplicity we trust.
> 9 failure
> 10 the one Some things can never be made simple. Simplicity is about
> subtracting the obvious, and adding the meaningful.
> 1 away More appears like less by simply moving it far, far away.
> 2 open Openness simplifies complexity.
> 3 power
> Use less, gain more.
> TED video:
> http://www.ted.com/talks/john_maeda_on_the_simple_life.html
> Book: ( you may find it in other places...)
> http://www.scan-shipping.com/template/scanship_ru/uploads/files/260_maedalawsofsimplicity.pdf
> Best regards,
> Iberê
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