A proposal to combine quality and bugsquad teams
Phill Whiteside
PhillW at Ubuntu.com
Thu Oct 24 22:02:57 UTC 2013
Knowing what I do of Brian, he will want what ever is best. I also look
forward to his views and expect him to be reading and considering the best
route forward. We are all the same family and I, for one, really look
forward to his input on the matter.
On 24 October 2013 22:39, Benjamin Kerensa <bkerensa at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> I'm wondering how Brian Murray the Ubuntu Bugmaster feels about merging
> the two teams. Quality Assurance and Bug Triaging are two different roles
> in my opinion but with similar goals.
> On 10/24/13, 1:28 PM, Nicholas Skaggs wrote:
> Matthew, thank you for pointing this out. I know you've triaged a bug from
> a tablet before haven't you?! :-p
> I updated the pages to reflect everything that's been said, please have a
> look:
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Roles/BugTriager
> I removed SRU verification from the tester role, but left in triaging. I
> made no mention of release / devel specific triage activities -- thanks for
> clarifying Matthew.
> * Note obviously there will be much more wiki and other work to do if the
> merge moves forward ;-)
> Nicholas
> On 10/24/2013 03:46 PM, Matthew Fischer wrote:
> I think the release distinction for triage is artificial and possibly
> incorrect. Unlike a tester, a triager does not need to have the release,
> specific software, or even required hardware to triage a bug. They mainly
> exist to move new bugs into the right bucket, remove dupes, and to get bugs
> into a triaged state (Full list of responsibilities<https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad>).
> They certainly can attempt a repro if possible, but it's not necessary.
> Pretty much everything the triage person does is possible from a web
> browser open to Launchpad and maybe Debian/Gnome BTS. They could triage
> bugs on a Windows tablet for all it matters. Note: not a recommended
> platform for triage ;)
> On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 9:39 AM, Nicholas Skaggs <
> nicholas.skaggs at canonical.com> wrote:
>> On 10/24/2013 08:49 AM, Matthew Fischer wrote:
>>> I'll second what's been said here by Dave. Combining the teams is a good
>>> idea. The Bug Squad team could benefit from having more active management.
>>> Howver, the Tester role needs to be expanded or perhaps a new role added.
>>> As Dave said, people on the Bug Squad do not always run dev releases. Many
>>> are still on precise, triaging bugs there. And I think bug triage should be
>>> called out as a separate activity.
>> Hmm, ok, so we can add a 4th role without it getting too confusing ;-)
>> Shall we call it simply 'bug triager', and focus the activities on doing
>> SRU's and stable release triage work?
>> If we do so it might make sense to push the SRU activity to this role
>> from the 'tester' role. Essentially then you would have the following in
>> regards to bugs --
>> testers, working on the devel release and doing bug work around it
>> bug triagers, working on the stable release(s) and doing bug work around
>> them
>> Does that distinction work well? Folks of course can still do both roles,
>> I would just like to define them crisply for newcomers :-) I would like to
>> encourage any current bugsquader's who've only dabbled in the devel
>> releases to take a more active tester role (I think you might find it quite
>> enjoyable), but there is no obligation to change your commitment level. I'm
>> pushing us as a team to run the devel release for the entire cycle and look
>> for bugs as we do so -- I think it's a fun and exciting way to be involved
>> and it will really help find bugs sooner and get them fixed. I think
>> bugsquaders may enjoy doing this also :-) For those bugsquaders adhering to
>> only stable releases, the proposed 'bug triagers' role should fill that
>> niche and contain everything you do today.
>> For example, Dave mentions
>> I primarily triage and don't test.
>>> Other than one or two dev installs as part of a cycle, I'll tend
>>> to only test things in bugs being triaged for repeatability/repeatability
>>> on the latest dev.
>> I think this is perfectly fine, and I would consider you today to have a
>> "tester" hat on :-) Your current activities wouldn't have to change at all.
>> So how does adding the additional role sound? If we like it I'll add it
>> to the wiki.
>> The feedback I've recieved on and off list has been positive. Does anyone
>> have any concerns about the transition? Do you know of activites that
>> aren't yet listed on one of the roles pages? I don't want to lose anything!
>> I'd like to leave this thread open for a bit longer to collect feedback
>> before we commit one way or the other so everyone has a chance to read and
>> respond.
>> Thanks!
>> Nicholas
> --
> Sincerly,
> Benjamin Kerensahttp://benjaminkerensa.com
> --
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