Google Hangouts

Alberto Salvia Novella es20490446e at
Tue Nov 12 10:33:33 UTC 2013

Since the 75% of communication is non verbal, carrying this 75% the 
emotional factor, I think the value of summits is having the opportunity 
to talk to other developers face to face. For the rest we have email, 
chat and Launchpad already.

El 12/11/13 05:01, Scott Kitterman escribió:
> Alberto Salvia Novella <es20490446e at> wrote:
>> Yes, sometimes laws are like that: people cannot marry who they want,
>> for example. Or people (specially young ones) are meant to be under
>> constant control. Luckily this can be solved.
>> And speaking about why I initialized this topic; the reason is I think
>> proprietary software shall be avoided in any case where the lost of
>> functionality doesn't hurts too much, because usually you'll be paying
>> latter for it in manners that are not too obvious.
>> In fact, this is the same I thought when I realized
>> was
>> using a proprietary engine; choosing to do so because functionalities
>> that were of little importance, and latter having its user accounts
>> being cracked. Meanwhile I have the greatest forum ever created easily
>> built over phpbb ?
>> So I wanted to bring out if there is any other options; but perhaps,
>> since this affects the development submits of all Launchpad, I haven't
>> done in the proper place.
>> Life is simple and good ?
> Since UDS went online, Kubuntu has used a combination of IRC and mumble voice chats to plan its work. I've participated in a few of the hangouts sessions too.  I don't think IRC/mumble is noticeably inferior to the hangout approach and it avoids the first class/second class citizen problem with hangouts (only a select few are on the hangout - everyone else is on IRC).  No age limits either.
> Scott K

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