Connect to Server

James James at
Wed May 29 06:08:28 UTC 2013

Not a Bug as such,

Remember "Connect to Server" a handy way to connect by SSH, FTP and 
Samba etc., you could choose your connection type, type in an IP 
address, user name and password and away you go, it could also be found 
very easy by click on "File > connect to server" on the top panel.

In 13.04 this has changed to access connect to server we now have to 
click "Files" (which also opens your Files" then in top panel click 
"Files > connect to server" then Connect to Server. The program has also 
changed a lot**requiring the user type in all the details much like as 
you would on terminal example... smb://

Not only is connect to server a little harder to find for newer users 
but also now changed in a way that some users may find harder to use.

has anyone else experienced the same issue regarding the program?
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