Hackfest planning

Nicholas Skaggs nicholas.skaggs at canonical.com
Thu Mar 14 21:10:13 UTC 2013

On 03/14/2013 04:13 PM, Carla Sella wrote:
> On 03/13/2013 11:41 PM, Nicholas Skaggs wrote:
>> I know we're all knee deep in testing this week, but I would like to 
>> talk about planning for our next hackfest. We've done 3 so far this 
>> cycle, and I'd like to squeeze in one more if we can before beta2 
>> testing.
>> I'd love to hear preferred days/times, what you'd like to see covered 
>> / format (IRC vs g+ vs ?), etc. I'd like to see manual and automated 
>> tests being written and hacked on as part of the 'fest. Now is the 
>> time to get your feedback in :-)
>> To give you something concrete to work against, here's my thoughts on 
>> how I would run the fest.
>> We'll pick a 2-4? hour window on IRC on freenode in #ubuntu-quality
>> We'll encourage pending open bugs, aka, needed cases, to be try and 
>> closed as part of the fest
>> We'll commit and merge everything possible at the end of the fest
>> We'll celebrate with virtual party supplies once complete :-)
>> Happy testing,
>> Nicholas
> Hello,
> Well for me it would be better to hold the Hackfest at night after 20 
> UTC if it's during the week (I'm at  work during the day :D ) or 
> during  the week-end in the afternoon (that is after 13 UTC).
> For the duration 4 hours would be nice, the longer the better.
> IRC or Google+ is the same.
> Bye.
> Carla
In the past we've done all day, but I found that a bit confusing, hence 
the specific timeframe. What if we had like a 12 hour window -- might 
that work out a bit better? Sounds like IRC will work well also. We can 
generate hangouts as needed. I setup this page to link everything since 
we're expanding beyond the initial automated testing hackfests (yay!).


So I'd like to roll with Javier's and Sergio's idea.  Can you guys setup 
this page linking out to our TODO bugs, help target some and give a 
little explanation (link out to tutorials, etc). Setup the page similar 
to the hackfest for the automated testing 


I went ahead and tried to link in the new hackfest page 
(https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Hackfest) to the activities and 
contributing pages, but please feel free to edit the wiki accordingly to 
get this content linked in properly.

Finally, as to the date and time, how does March 19th 1200 UTC - 2300 
UTC sound? That covers pretty much everyone I trust at some point during 
there waking hours, and lines up well for someone with expertise in each 
area to be around (at some point!) for each type of test being contributed.

If we don't get any complaints, I'd like to start broadcasting this 
time/date tomorrow to everyone. Thanks!


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