Virtualbox classroom session (was: Re: How to test with low RAM and just one CPU core )

Phill Whiteside PhillW at
Sat Jun 1 21:46:53 UTC 2013

The classrooms for testing / QA were a new feature of the last cycle. As
the Virtual Box in the repos was quite dated, I did not hold a session on
it as the opinion was to use the newer version, which then would not work
with testdrive! The sounds of people bashing their heads against a brick
wall were audible :) A lot of energy was put into ensuring that we had the
most upto date virtualisation systems available for 13.04 so as to test
13.10. For KVM (Virtual-box) there is a know bug, which I will cover in my
classroom session. For the VBox classroom, feel free to edit the wiki area
to state what is expected for a student to have installed before the
classroom so that the time is spent on using it, rather than installing it.

Jackson / smartboyhw / canonical team / QA team / Release team did a lot of
the grunt work for test drive being updated and for us to have the (I hope)
most recent stable version of VBox in the repos. It was considered too late
in the 12.10 cycle to issue SRU's and instead expend our time and energy in
getting the testing tools updated for 13.04. There is also the small matter
of automated testing and more wiki pages to be updated! So, any help on
classroom sessions are very much welcomed :)



On 1 June 2013 20:25, Jonathan Marsden <jmarsden at> wrote:

> On 06/01/2013 11:57 AM, Phill Whiteside wrote:
> > please excuse my attitude in the last email (It was late and I was on
> > my 2nd bottle of wine!).
> We all have our weaknesses!  Sounds like perhaps you need to work on
> reducing wine/alcohol consumption, the way I need to work on reducing my
> food consumption (I'm officially Type 2 diabetic, which combined with
> high blood pressure and cholesterol is not at all good for life
> expectancy!)...
> > With respect to using the extras package in VBox, it is my
> > understanding that the extra package is needed to access usb devices
> > in order to boot from.
> Well, yes... but for ISO testing, you're booting from a downloaded ISO
> file on your local real physical hard drive, that virtualbox turns into
> a virtual CDROM in a virtual CDROM drive.  Maybe there is a "does it
> boot from USB?" test case that I have never done, somewhere?
> > It is roughly the equivalent of restricted-extras.
> Yes; I just prefer putting as little non-open-source software on my
> Linux machines as I possibly can.
> > Please feel free to edit what were my rough notes for what to include
> > on the VBox session. We are hoping to hold the sessions in June.
> OK, sounds fine... but where are the notes?  That session in Raring is
> the only one whose title is not linked to a log of the session...
> > As a bit of further background, the VBox instance in the 12.10 repos
> > was considerably out dated. Getting the more recent one then caused
> > testdrive application to fail owing to to the version level of VBox
> > being hard-coded into that application (Yup, not a really smart
> > idea, I know). Unit193 provided a fix and with the updates to it and
> > VBox we can now use both. As testing is fast moving, it was decided
> > not to SRU the fix into 12.10 but concentrate on the 13.04 and 13.10
> > repos.
> Fine.  So we don't need to worry about that in Saucy (unless people are
> running 12.10 on their host PCs, I suppose).  If the Raring virtualbox
> classroom session was not logged, or did not happen, was there a Quantal
> classroom session for Virtualbox?  Was it logged?  Where?
> Seeing that
> gets me the 13.04 schedule, I hoped that
> would get
> me the 12.10 schedule, but it does not seem to exist.  Nor does
> .  So much
> for consistency??
> Thanks,
> Jonathan

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