This week in QA

Nicholas Skaggs nicholas.skaggs at
Mon Jan 14 21:09:55 UTC 2013

Launchpad says you've got karma buddy :-) And lp never lies!


On 01/14/2013 04:05 PM, Jackson Doak wrote:
> i helped with the auto testcases? all i've done is say xubuntu and 
> lubuntu need them too.
> On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 8:02 AM, Nicholas Skaggs 
> <nicholas.skaggs at <mailto:nicholas.skaggs at>> 
> wrote:
>     Here's what's happening in QA this week :-)
>     We have our week 4 cadence testing under way. The new stuff on the
>     table is pulseaudio testing from the audio dev ppa. There's a new
>     version to land and a set of smoke tests. In addition, I'm busy
>     packaging up some of our first autopilot testcase conversions.
>     Thanks to all the current contributors (dkessel, letzoaf, noskcaj)
>     as well as the wonderful autopilot team who has been helpful in
>     giving us tips and suggestions. And of course, everyone who helped
>     write the original tests as well as those will now run and give
>     feedback (that's you!) :-)
>     Full details can be found here:
>     Note, I'm working on packaging the autopilot tests (hopefully
>     making it easy to run for everyone) so stay tuned for those :-)
>     In addition, please remember the first classroom sessions will be
>     tomorrow, held by me and phillw. I'll be doing an introduction to
>     QA, and phillw is taking it a bit further by taking about testcase
>     writing. Plan to come out and attend if you can! You can see the
>     full schedule here:
>     Nicholas
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