Interested in ubuntu phone testing

José Antonio Rey joseeantonior at
Wed Jan 9 08:27:57 UTC 2013

As far as I know, none of those details are available (as the OS has
been announced, not the product itself), and there are no images for the
Nexus 4. There will be an image for the Galaxy Nexus available in late
February, but no news for the Nexus 4 yet. Also, I think this is not the
right place to ask, as this is the Quality Assurance team's mailing
list, and is not related to the phone devel.

Hope that answers your questions.

On 01/08/2013 09:21 PM, John hoyos wrote:
> Good evening'
> After watching the you tube video on the Ubuntu phone I am very
> impressed on what I saw specially the interface ;)  I am currently and
> android user with a NEXUS 4 AND will like to be one of the first in
> Latin America trying out your phone. Please do let me know when is going
> to launch, pricing so I can be able to cooperate and see how well it
> works in Latin America. I work in the aviation industry and is very
> important an smart phone in this sector and as LATAM is growing rapidly
> it will be a great opportunity to introduce this divice down here.
> Thank you for your time and hope I can help out.
> Regards,
> John hoyos

José Antonio Rey

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