[Start Lubuntu] Road Map/Master Plan - version 1.0

Ali Linx (amjjawad) amjjawad at gmail.com
Mon Apr 29 14:54:46 UTC 2013


I thought everyone would be interested but I must say, I'm so surprised
that only few are interested.

Anyway, I have updated this page:

Added Phase 6
and List of members.

Phase 6 will explain how this project is important and it is not only for
Lubuntu, it is for the whole family of Ubuntu :)

After all, if Windows XP Users won't like Lubuntu, there are Ubuntu,
Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Ubuntu GNOME, Ubuntu Studio, Edubuntu, and if someone is
Chines, there is: UbuntuKylin :)

Everything is explained here:

The banner at the top is a summary of what is this all about.
Again, Phase 6 of this project is discussing the need to use the whole list
of Ubuntu Official Variants.

Why then I did start or pick Lubuntu? because I think most or at least 40%
of Windows XP Users have old machines. Perhaps even more than 40% of them
because usually, modern machines are shipped with Windows 7 and/or Windows
8 :)

Thank you!

On Sun, Apr 28, 2013 at 5:10 AM, Ali Linx (amjjawad) <amjjawad at gmail.com>wrote:

> Dear all,
> As promised, I'm just done from setting up a Wiki Page for our huge
> project and great challenge:
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/CommunicationsTeam/WOWLubuntu/StartLubuntu
> I was waiting for 13.04 to be released.
> Now, the successful 13.04 has been released, I'm glad to announce that I'm
> 100% up, running and ready for this.
> Your are more than welcome to join!
> Must head to bed, it is 5:10am here :D
> Thank you!
> --
> *Best Regards,
> amjjawad <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad/>*
> Start Lubuntu<https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/CommunicationsTeam/WOWLubuntu#The_Huge_Project_-_Start_Lubuntu>

*Best Regards,
amjjawad <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad/>*
Start Lubuntu<https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/CommunicationsTeam/WOWLubuntu#The_Huge_Project_-_Start_Lubuntu>
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