Glitches on upgrade to 12.10

Gabor Toth at
Mon Oct 29 10:05:24 UTC 2012


I have upgraded to 12.10 yesterday evening and it went very smooth
indeed.  There is one comment I would make on the upgrade process that I
feel should be changed in future releases:
During the process in a number of times (around 15-20 in my case) a
message came up saying that I have modified some configuration files and
offering me the options to keep mine or change it to the new one.  I can
look what the difference is.  Now, while it seems fine, I actually did
not know many of the files where do they belong to or what do they do
and did not know what is the consequence if I keep mine versus using the
upgrade version.  What do I loose by not keeping?  If I keep do I miss
out some features? The process does not give data on it and for people
who are even less knowledgeable it would say nothing so they would
choose blindly one or the other option - almost pointless to even ask. 
Why don't we just keep the modified files?
Just a point to make.

Now, I do have some issues since upgrade though:
1. Not directly related to upgrade but thought to put it here: I have
also downloaded the ISO images of both x64 and i386.  I like to have
them burned on CD in case I need them and sometimes I install for
someone else.  When I tried to burn them on CD, Brasero in both cases
said that they are two big for burning on a blank CD?!  Is that so?  Are
the images too big for CD?

2. Since upgrade Pidgin does not appear in the menu on the notification
area under the "envelop".  Actually after the reboot, that completed the
upgrade, the "envelop" and its menu was missing too entirely.  Then when
I started Thunderbird and Gwibber the "envelop" came and it is there
since but the only thing that is in the menu is Thinderbird and
Gwibber.  I do not have Pidgin even when it is running - it runs fine
though, but does not appear there.  BTW I also have Emphaty installed on
the system and while I do not use it, before upgrade it did appear in
that menu and now it is not there.  I have filed this as a bug against
the Pidgin package, not sure if that is the right place though.

3. After upgrade I tried Libreoffice today the first time.  When I
opened a Calc (table) file it opened fine, however the top menu (Files,
Edit, etc.) did not show up integrated into the top bar or in any way. 
The menu was missing!  It was not there in the full windowed mode or the
smaller one either.  Then I closed it and when started next time it just
worked fine and does so since.  Did not file a bug as I can not
reproduce, but right after upgrade it was there.  Kind of strange. 
Wanted to report it here.

Other than the above issues everything seems to be running just fine and
the system is smooth as butter.  I love the new background images,
congrats for whoever choose them.

I would be glad to assist to fix any of the above ones if I can do
something.  Testing, additional data, anything.  Let me know.

Have a nice day.


Gabor Toth

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