Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal (Beta2)

Johan Scheepers johansche at telkomsa.net
Wed Oct 10 09:03:36 UTC 2012

Good day,

I have downloaded and installed ubuntu 12.10 beta2.
One problem while installing - no visible mouse cursor.
The screen was white with tiny red dots.
When finished install live -white screen- moved the mouse around and 
found that it is there but not visible. The apps flashed when the 
invisible cursor passed over it.
I took a chance and logged out.
  Bingo - all is visible and screen is normal.

This white screen and invisible cursor has been a long time.

Now this beta2 is running nicely without problems on my laptop.
It is updated as of last night.

Question - will this be the same when fully updated than the final release.


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