Reboot or init 6.

Phill Whiteside PhillW at
Tue Nov 27 23:45:45 UTC 2012


as there are times that machines in test mis-behave and we have (hopefully)
still got access to a terminal. Which of these do you use?

"init 6" performs reboot in a clean and orderly manner,informing the daemon
of the change in runlevel,which subsequently achieves the appropriate
milestone and ultimately executes the rc0 kill scripts.

"reboot" performs an immediate system reboot,does not execute the rc0 kill
scripts,simply unmounts file systems and reboots the System. It is not
recommended,especially when you are rebooting after a live-upgrade of OS &
any patch-updates ,etc.

I'm not sure if "shutdown -y -i6 -g0" still is an option ( I used it many
years ago on restarting Unix systems but it is calling init 6)



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