Ubuntu-qa Digest, Vol 60, Issue 31
Thomas Corwin
dog1489 at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 1 01:32:05 UTC 2012
I got it.
T. Corwin
On Oct 31, 2012, at 11:41 AM, ubuntu-quality-request at lists.ubuntu.com wrote:
> Send Ubuntu-qa mailing list submissions to
> ubuntu-quality at lists.ubuntu.com
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-quality
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> ubuntu-quality-request at lists.ubuntu.com
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> ubuntu-quality-owner at lists.ubuntu.com
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Ubuntu-qa digest..."
> Today's Topics:
> 1. Re: Handing over ubuntu-qa to the Qatar loco team
> (Nicholas Skaggs)
> 2. Re: Handing over ubuntu-qa to the Qatar loco team (Sanjeev Gupta)
> 3. Re: Handing over ubuntu-qa to the Qatar loco team (Chris Johnston)
> 4. Re: Handing over ubuntu-qa to the Qatar loco team
> (Sergio Zanchetta)
> 5. Re: Handing over ubuntu-qa to the Qatar loco team (Gema Gomez)
> 6. Re: Handing over ubuntu-qa to the Qatar loco team
> (Carla Sella - Gmail)
> 7. Re: Handing over ubuntu-qa to the Qatar loco team (Dave Morley)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2012 16:31:05 +0100
> From: Nicholas Skaggs <nicholas.skaggs at canonical.com>
> To: ubuntu-quality at lists.ubuntu.com
> Subject: Re: Handing over ubuntu-qa to the Qatar loco team
> Message-ID: <50914439.9070208 at canonical.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> The process should be complete. If your seeing this message, it means
> you made it and are migrated successfully :-) If someone can send back a
> message to confirm this to the list, that would be wonderful :-)
> Nicholas
> On 10/30/2012 12:16 PM, Nicholas Skaggs wrote:
>> The process for this has begun -- I'll send an email once it's
>> complete and we've moved to #ubuntu-quality. Thanks for the feedback
>> everyone.
>> Nicholas
>> On 10/29/2012 04:43 PM, Nicholas Skaggs wrote:
>>> Greetings everyone ;-)
>>> The Qatar loco team is starting up, which is wonderful to see ubuntu
>>> loco's continuing to spread. However, this means in order for the
>>> loco naming standard to continue, we must give up this mailing list
>>> name. Never fear, our archives and subscriptions will be migrated to
>>> the new list, but we need a new name.
>>> Since I happened to be at UDS with some of you, I took a moment to
>>> poll the room. The two immediate ideas are
>>> ubuntu-quality and ubuntu-testing. Ubuntu-testing was an obvious
>>> choice to keep the naming conventions of the launchpad team and irc
>>> channel the same. That said I preferred, as did everyone else,
>>> ubuntu-quality. So given the time sensitive nature of the request (it
>>> needs to happen ASAP), I'll leave this message open for feedback
>>> overnight. Assuming no one has a convincing argument or complaint,
>>> we'll move forward with the change to ubuntu-quality for a mailing
>>> list name.
>>> This change will happen ASAP for the mailing list. Given the desire
>>> to keep things consistent, people seemed in agreement to undergo a
>>> full re-naming. This will require changing all of our documentation,
>>> migrating our IRC channel, migrating our launchpad team, etc, etc.
>>> Now taking volunteers for this effort :-p It won't be as bad as it
>>> sounds, but will require work and timing on our part to accomplish asap.
>>> Thanks everyone!
>>> Nicholas
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2012 23:33:08 +0800
> From: Sanjeev Gupta <ghane0 at gmail.com>
> To: Nicholas Skaggs <nicholas.skaggs at canonical.com>
> Cc: ubuntu-quality at lists.ubuntu.com
> Subject: Re: Handing over ubuntu-qa to the Qatar loco team
> Message-ID:
> <CAHZk5WcvLMGybaytu5W3b2tafT8JaXWVxZfVM7t41s2SMQ2v6Q at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Me, me! I saw it!!!
> --
> Sanjeev Gupta
> +65 98551208 http://www.linkedin.com/in/ghane
> On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 11:31 PM, Nicholas Skaggs <
> nicholas.skaggs at canonical.com> wrote:
>> The process should be complete. If your seeing this message, it means you
>> made it and are migrated successfully :-) If someone can send back a
>> message to confirm this to the list, that would be wonderful :-)
>> Nicholas
> -------------- next part --------------
> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
> URL: <https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-quality/attachments/20121031/971d92c7/attachment-0001.html>
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2012 16:33:30 +0100
> From: Chris Johnston <chrisjohnston at ubuntu.com>
> To: ubuntu-quality at lists.ubuntu.com
> Subject: Re: Handing over ubuntu-qa to the Qatar loco team
> Message-ID: <509144CA.9050806 at ubuntu.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Works for me.
> On 10/31/2012 04:31 PM, Nicholas Skaggs wrote:
>> The process should be complete. If your seeing this message, it means
>> you made it and are migrated successfully :-) If someone can send back a
>> message to confirm this to the list, that would be wonderful :-)
>> Nicholas
>> On 10/30/2012 12:16 PM, Nicholas Skaggs wrote:
>>> The process for this has begun -- I'll send an email once it's
>>> complete and we've moved to #ubuntu-quality. Thanks for the feedback
>>> everyone.
>>> Nicholas
>>> On 10/29/2012 04:43 PM, Nicholas Skaggs wrote:
>>>> Greetings everyone ;-)
>>>> The Qatar loco team is starting up, which is wonderful to see ubuntu
>>>> loco's continuing to spread. However, this means in order for the
>>>> loco naming standard to continue, we must give up this mailing list
>>>> name. Never fear, our archives and subscriptions will be migrated to
>>>> the new list, but we need a new name.
>>>> Since I happened to be at UDS with some of you, I took a moment to
>>>> poll the room. The two immediate ideas are
>>>> ubuntu-quality and ubuntu-testing. Ubuntu-testing was an obvious
>>>> choice to keep the naming conventions of the launchpad team and irc
>>>> channel the same. That said I preferred, as did everyone else,
>>>> ubuntu-quality. So given the time sensitive nature of the request (it
>>>> needs to happen ASAP), I'll leave this message open for feedback
>>>> overnight. Assuming no one has a convincing argument or complaint,
>>>> we'll move forward with the change to ubuntu-quality for a mailing
>>>> list name.
>>>> This change will happen ASAP for the mailing list. Given the desire
>>>> to keep things consistent, people seemed in agreement to undergo a
>>>> full re-naming. This will require changing all of our documentation,
>>>> migrating our IRC channel, migrating our launchpad team, etc, etc.
>>>> Now taking volunteers for this effort :-p It won't be as bad as it
>>>> sounds, but will require work and timing on our part to accomplish asap.
>>>> Thanks everyone!
>>>> Nicholas
> ------------------------------
> Message: 4
> Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2012 16:34:19 +0100
> From: Sergio Zanchetta <primes2h at ubuntu.com>
> To: Nicholas Skaggs <nicholas.skaggs at canonical.com>
> Cc: ubuntu-quality at lists.ubuntu.com
> Subject: Re: Handing over ubuntu-qa to the Qatar loco team
> Message-ID:
> <CA+a_Vgx2edOhFiFdPr_LuF4mVUk-wQc8JZd1ws=EErxJQ+PvJQ at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> 2012/10/31 Nicholas Skaggs <nicholas.skaggs at canonical.com>:
>> The process should be complete. If your seeing this message, it means you
>> made it and are migrated successfully :-) If someone can send back a message
>> to confirm this to the list, that would be wonderful :-)
> It worked! :-)
> Sergio.
>> Nicholas
>> On 10/30/2012 12:16 PM, Nicholas Skaggs wrote:
>>> The process for this has begun -- I'll send an email once it's complete
>>> and we've moved to #ubuntu-quality. Thanks for the feedback everyone.
>>> Nicholas
>>> On 10/29/2012 04:43 PM, Nicholas Skaggs wrote:
>>>> Greetings everyone ;-)
>>>> The Qatar loco team is starting up, which is wonderful to see ubuntu
>>>> loco's continuing to spread. However, this means in order for the loco
>>>> naming standard to continue, we must give up this mailing list name. Never
>>>> fear, our archives and subscriptions will be migrated to the new list, but
>>>> we need a new name.
>>>> Since I happened to be at UDS with some of you, I took a moment to poll
>>>> the room. The two immediate ideas are
>>>> ubuntu-quality and ubuntu-testing. Ubuntu-testing was an obvious choice
>>>> to keep the naming conventions of the launchpad team and irc channel the
>>>> same. That said I preferred, as did everyone else, ubuntu-quality. So given
>>>> the time sensitive nature of the request (it needs to happen ASAP), I'll
>>>> leave this message open for feedback overnight. Assuming no one has a
>>>> convincing argument or complaint, we'll move forward with the change to
>>>> ubuntu-quality for a mailing list name.
>>>> This change will happen ASAP for the mailing list. Given the desire to
>>>> keep things consistent, people seemed in agreement to undergo a full
>>>> re-naming. This will require changing all of our documentation, migrating
>>>> our IRC channel, migrating our launchpad team, etc, etc. Now taking
>>>> volunteers for this effort :-p It won't be as bad as it sounds, but will
>>>> require work and timing on our part to accomplish asap.
>>>> Thanks everyone!
>>>> Nicholas
>> --
>> Ubuntu-qa mailing list
>> Ubuntu-qa at lists.ubuntu.com
>> Modify settings or unsubscribe at:
>> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-quality
> --
> Sergio Zanchetta
> https://launchpad.net/~primes2h
> ------------------------------
> Message: 5
> Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2012 16:34:40 +0100
> From: Gema Gomez <gema.gomez-solano at canonical.com>
> To: ubuntu-quality at lists.ubuntu.com
> Subject: Re: Handing over ubuntu-qa to the Qatar loco team
> Message-ID: <50914510.10903 at canonical.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> *sigh* ... /me creates a new filter... :P
> Gema
> On 31/10/12 16:31, Nicholas Skaggs wrote:
>> The process should be complete. If your seeing this message, it means
>> you made it and are migrated successfully :-) If someone can send back a
>> message to confirm this to the list, that would be wonderful :-)
>> Nicholas
>> On 10/30/2012 12:16 PM, Nicholas Skaggs wrote:
>>> The process for this has begun -- I'll send an email once it's
>>> complete and we've moved to #ubuntu-quality. Thanks for the feedback
>>> everyone.
>>> Nicholas
>>> On 10/29/2012 04:43 PM, Nicholas Skaggs wrote:
>>>> Greetings everyone ;-)
>>>> The Qatar loco team is starting up, which is wonderful to see ubuntu
>>>> loco's continuing to spread. However, this means in order for the
>>>> loco naming standard to continue, we must give up this mailing list
>>>> name. Never fear, our archives and subscriptions will be migrated to
>>>> the new list, but we need a new name.
>>>> Since I happened to be at UDS with some of you, I took a moment to
>>>> poll the room. The two immediate ideas are
>>>> ubuntu-quality and ubuntu-testing. Ubuntu-testing was an obvious
>>>> choice to keep the naming conventions of the launchpad team and irc
>>>> channel the same. That said I preferred, as did everyone else,
>>>> ubuntu-quality. So given the time sensitive nature of the request (it
>>>> needs to happen ASAP), I'll leave this message open for feedback
>>>> overnight. Assuming no one has a convincing argument or complaint,
>>>> we'll move forward with the change to ubuntu-quality for a mailing
>>>> list name.
>>>> This change will happen ASAP for the mailing list. Given the desire
>>>> to keep things consistent, people seemed in agreement to undergo a
>>>> full re-naming. This will require changing all of our documentation,
>>>> migrating our IRC channel, migrating our launchpad team, etc, etc.
>>>> Now taking volunteers for this effort :-p It won't be as bad as it
>>>> sounds, but will require work and timing on our part to accomplish asap.
>>>> Thanks everyone!
>>>> Nicholas
> --
> Gema Gomez-Solano <gema.gomez-solano at canonical.com>
> Ubuntu QA Team https://launchpad.net/~gema.gomez
> Canonical Ltd. http://www.canonical.com
> ------------------------------
> Message: 6
> Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2012 16:37:48 +0100
> From: Carla Sella - Gmail <carla.sella at gmail.com>
> To: ubuntu-quality at lists.ubuntu.com
> Subject: Re: Handing over ubuntu-qa to the Qatar loco team
> Message-ID: <509145CC.6010005 at gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> I can see it.
> Carla
> On 10/31/2012 04:31 PM, Nicholas Skaggs wrote:
>> The process should be complete. If your seeing this message, it means
>> you made it and are migrated successfully :-) If someone can send back
>> a message to confirm this to the list, that would be wonderful :-)
>> Nicholas
>> On 10/30/2012 12:16 PM, Nicholas Skaggs wrote:
>>> The process for this has begun -- I'll send an email once it's
>>> complete and we've moved to #ubuntu-quality. Thanks for the feedback
>>> everyone.
>>> Nicholas
>>> On 10/29/2012 04:43 PM, Nicholas Skaggs wrote:
>>>> Greetings everyone ;-)
>>>> The Qatar loco team is starting up, which is wonderful to see ubuntu
>>>> loco's continuing to spread. However, this means in order for the
>>>> loco naming standard to continue, we must give up this mailing list
>>>> name. Never fear, our archives and subscriptions will be migrated to
>>>> the new list, but we need a new name.
>>>> Since I happened to be at UDS with some of you, I took a moment to
>>>> poll the room. The two immediate ideas are
>>>> ubuntu-quality and ubuntu-testing. Ubuntu-testing was an obvious
>>>> choice to keep the naming conventions of the launchpad team and irc
>>>> channel the same. That said I preferred, as did everyone else,
>>>> ubuntu-quality. So given the time sensitive nature of the request
>>>> (it needs to happen ASAP), I'll leave this message open for feedback
>>>> overnight. Assuming no one has a convincing argument or complaint,
>>>> we'll move forward with the change to ubuntu-quality for a mailing
>>>> list name.
>>>> This change will happen ASAP for the mailing list. Given the desire
>>>> to keep things consistent, people seemed in agreement to undergo a
>>>> full re-naming. This will require changing all of our documentation,
>>>> migrating our IRC channel, migrating our launchpad team, etc, etc.
>>>> Now taking volunteers for this effort :-p It won't be as bad as it
>>>> sounds, but will require work and timing on our part to accomplish
>>>> asap.
>>>> Thanks everyone!
>>>> Nicholas
> ------------------------------
> Message: 7
> Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2012 15:39:31 +0000
> From: Dave Morley <davmor2 at davmor2.co.uk>
> To: ubuntu-quality at lists.ubuntu.com
> Subject: Re: Handing over ubuntu-qa to the Qatar loco team
> Message-ID: <50914633.20907 at davmor2.co.uk>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Hash: SHA1
> On 31/10/12 15:37, Carla Sella - Gmail wrote:
>> I can see it. Carla
>> On 10/31/2012 04:31 PM, Nicholas Skaggs wrote:
>>> The process should be complete. If your seeing this message, it
>>> means you made it and are migrated successfully :-) If someone
>>> can send back a message to confirm this to the list, that would
>>> be wonderful :-)
>>> Nicholas
>>> On 10/30/2012 12:16 PM, Nicholas Skaggs wrote:
>>>> The process for this has begun -- I'll send an email once it's
>>>> complete and we've moved to #ubuntu-quality. Thanks for the
>>>> feedback everyone.
>>>> Nicholas
>>>> On 10/29/2012 04:43 PM, Nicholas Skaggs wrote:
>>>>> Greetings everyone ;-)
>>>>> The Qatar loco team is starting up, which is wonderful to see
>>>>> ubuntu loco's continuing to spread. However, this means in
>>>>> order for the loco naming standard to continue, we must give
>>>>> up this mailing list name. Never fear, our archives and
>>>>> subscriptions will be migrated to the new list, but we need a
>>>>> new name.
>>>>> Since I happened to be at UDS with some of you, I took a
>>>>> moment to poll the room. The two immediate ideas are
>>>>> ubuntu-quality and ubuntu-testing. Ubuntu-testing was an
>>>>> obvious choice to keep the naming conventions of the
>>>>> launchpad team and irc channel the same. That said I
>>>>> preferred, as did everyone else, ubuntu-quality. So given the
>>>>> time sensitive nature of the request (it needs to happen
>>>>> ASAP), I'll leave this message open for feedback overnight.
>>>>> Assuming no one has a convincing argument or complaint, we'll
>>>>> move forward with the change to ubuntu-quality for a mailing
>>>>> list name.
>>>>> This change will happen ASAP for the mailing list. Given the
>>>>> desire to keep things consistent, people seemed in agreement
>>>>> to undergo a full re-naming. This will require changing all
>>>>> of our documentation, migrating our IRC channel, migrating
>>>>> our launchpad team, etc, etc. Now taking volunteers for this
>>>>> effort :-p It won't be as bad as it sounds, but will require
>>>>> work and timing on our part to accomplish asap.
>>>>> Thanks everyone!
>>>>> Nicholas
> I can't see it........honest.........well..........maybe I can a bit
> purhaps
> - --
> You make it, I'll break it!
> I love my job :)
> http://www.ubuntu.com
> http://www.canonical.com
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> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://www.enigmail.net/
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> kqwAoKiEs5TgmBOuiyGxwK3nZXsVxEeT
> =foBI
> ------------------------------
> --
> Ubuntu-qa mailing list
> Ubuntu-qa at lists.ubuntu.com
> Modify settings or unsubscribe at: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-quality
> End of Ubuntu-qa Digest, Vol 60, Issue 31
> *****************************************
More information about the Ubuntu-qa
mailing list