Meeting this week

Javier Domingo javierdo1 at
Mon Jan 9 18:51:04 UTC 2012

In my opinion, he is quite clear about the problem with ubuntu. For me for
example, its horrible to work with Ubuntu's Unity (for example), there are
lots of things that need to be much more tested, and with bugs they have

Its true that it is new, etc. But for example the gnome-core package comes
with a vino (VNC server) that is just crashing for one of the 5 (!!)
options it has due to a preference of the packager to not to use a miniupnp
lib included. And it has been included in last releases (at least). I know
Ubuntu is quite dependant on GNOME, but because GNOME changes
so drastically, quality of Ubuntu for changing to a new desktop enviroment
with not enought testing can't go so down.

What ubuntu did with the upgrade to unity, was to completely break with the
desktop in a very hard way. I think I have read enough about PERL 5 and 6
and about Ubuntu and GNOME to compare this desktop environment upgrade.

An example, would be as if now PERL guys decided to stop supporting Perl5
and migrated everything with the actual state of things to Perl6. Though it
can be worked over Perl6, it is not enough for an environment where the
system can't have that many bugs.

I don't really know if there has been a bug report increase, but I am
nearly sure that now bugs are more in general things than specific things
that just few people can bring up with them. Things like the one I reported
about vino server, included in the gnome-core (!!).

That was my opinion, and though I don't know how to express it as I would
do in my native language, I think the idea is there.

By the way, I am thinking seriously if we should be releasing so many
versions that fast, 6 months for a stable product if there are that big
changes, it is very difficult to be,


Javier Domingo

2012/1/9 Alex Lourie < at>

> Brandan
> I agree with you. I just noticed it and thought that it is important for
> us, the QA, to address.
> I hope to get it discussed with you guys :-).
> On Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 7:43 PM, Brendan Donegan <
> brendan.donegan at> wrote:
>>  Alex,
>> Having such a 'bug' lying around isn't useful, so I closed it as invalid.
>> I agree we should discuss this issue of third-party software breaking and
>> you're right that it has echoes of Ubuntu Friendly/Hardware Certification
>> (you could say we need a type of 'Software Certification' as well as
>> 'Hardware Certification')
>> I note that the bug reporter didn't offer the name of the commercial
>> software which broke for them as well, which isn't helpful.
>> On 09/01/12 17:31, Alex Lourie wrote:
>>  On Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 6:29 PM, Gema Gomez <
>> gema.gomez-solano at> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> thanks Phill for running the meeting last week!
>>> I am back from holidays so I can run the meeting on Wednesday. It'll be
>>> a short one, though, because we are in Budapest this week on the Precise
>>> Rally and we have a team dinner that night.
>>> I can give an update on what is being discussed and we can have an
>>> update from what is going on in the community and on the derivatives and
>>> spend only 30 mins on it. If anyone has anything pressing to discuss,
>>> please, bring it up at the beginning!
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Gema
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>> Hi Gema, and welcome back!
>>  I'm not sure that I'll make the meeting this week, so I only wanted to
>> raise one issue: there's a bug on launchpad,
>>  The person is complaining about the overall quality of Ubuntu (and
>> probably his specific own problems), but nevertheless, there's one point
>> that he raises that is quite important. I think that breaking commercial
>> software from working is a big problem for Ubuntu, and we should do
>> something about it.
>>  I'd love to participate in a discussion on this topic, but generally
>> the idea I had is somewhat reminiscent of Friendly - to have a list of
>> various commercial software applications tested for each new release, to
>> know where we could have a problem.
>>  So, if you decide to talk about it while I'm absent, fine, I'll read
>> logs later. If I'm present - then we could have a discussion, or just start
>> to think about it.
>>  Cheers.
>>  --
>> Alex Lourie
>> --
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> Alex Lourie
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