Manual Application Testing plans for beta1

Brendan Donegan brendan.donegan at
Wed Feb 29 11:32:47 UTC 2012

On 29/02/12 11:29, Brendan Donegan wrote:
> On 28/02/12 19:20, Nicholas Skaggs wrote:
>> For those of you who haven't seen/heard, we are planning on testing 
>> our default applications using checkbox for beta1. See this blog post 
>> for more details and submit some merge requests for tests :-) Or plan 
>> on participating and running the tests via checkbox. Thanks everyone!
>> Nicholas
> Nick, can you provide a link as well to the test cases resources (wiki 
> or spreadsheet). I assume you don't want people to be creating tests 
> ad-hoc?
Ah, I see they're already in there :)
> For those who might be interested in adding tests to Nick's branch, 
> you can find Checkbox developers such as myself on #ubuntu-testing. My 
> nick is #brendand, but if you just ping a question then someone who 
> knows about Checkbox should pick it up.
> Thanks,

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