Test Cases wiki questions

Aaron Albright aaron.albright at canonical.com
Sat Feb 11 01:27:01 UTC 2012


I've finished getting the rest of the test cases added to the 
spreadsheet.  The only thing I have left to do is add the empty 
application tests.  I was going to enter the empty tests more as a 
placeholder on the spreadsheet.

But I think I'll finish that up next week.

Have a great weekend everybody!


On 02/06/2012 05:58 PM, Nicholas Skaggs wrote:
> Aaron, yes I noticed someone cataloguing everything in there :-) It 
> makes it alot easier to rewrite them by just moving them to the 
> rewrite tab and then finally to completed. Thanks!
> Nicholas
> On 02/06/2012 07:54 PM, Aaron Albright wrote:
>> Hey Nicholas,
>> I've been working on putting all of the test cases into the spreadsheet
>> under the tab 'all test cases from wiki'.
>> I'm not quite done yet--but hopefully this will help in updating them.
>> Tomorrow I will work on adding the test cases I haven't gotten to yet.
>> Is it helpful for me to do that?
>> Thanks!
>> Aaron
>> albrigha
>> On Mon, 2012-02-06 at 14:18 -0500, Nicholas Skaggs wrote:
>>> Andrew, we're currently in process of updating all of our wiki test
>>> cases. See this spreadsheet:
>>> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgtV30nnv18edFQzNVB4S2duOWNOT05zaHo3S0pNekE 
>>> The idea is to go thru each of the test cases, edit them on the doc
>>> and ask the list for review. Once someone else has verified your work,
>>> we've been updating the wiki with the results. You can see the ones
>>> we've completed under the completed test cases tab.
>>> I would love for you to update the testcase you mention: Live Session
>>> Persistence Case ID: dls-003. It needs to be re-written, and the case
>>> id should be  TC-DLS-003 to conform to our naming convention. You can
>>> make your changes in the spreadsheet I mentioned above and we'll
>>> review. Please do have a look and update any other test cases you
>>> see/find on the wiki using the same process. Thanks!
>>> Nicholas
>>> On 01/29/2012 09:58 AM, Charlie Kravetz wrote:
>>>> Hash: SHA1
>>>> On Sun, 29 Jan 2012 14:52:04 +1030
>>>> Andrew McDonnell<bugs at andrewmcdonnell.net>  wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I'm new here, still feeling my way around :-)
>>>>> is it possible to file a bug against the test cases and wiki? or 
>>>>> are we
>>>>> allowed to simply edit this?
>>>>> I have some questions / issues:
>>>>> On https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/ISO/FAQ
>>>>> 'The Live CD installer crashes -- Can be a wide range of issues, 
>>>>> but bugs can
>>>>> be filed agaist ubiquity and will be triaged from there. '
>>>>> The link to ubiquity in the above -
>>>>> https://bugs.beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bugs - is 
>>>>> broken for
>>>>> me with a DNS failure
>>>>> On http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Install/DesktopLiveSession
>>>>> the procedure for actually enabling persistence is a little 
>>>>> ambiguous I would
>>>>> like to extend it to something along the lines of
>>>>> "hit a key when the little icon shows at the bottom of the screen 
>>>>> after CD
>>>>> booting starts,
>>>>> then press F6, then you have to hit ESC to hide the little ACPI 
>>>>> options menu,
>>>>> then you actually are focussed on the kernel command line and can 
>>>>> hit SPACE
>>>>> followed by persistence"
>>>>> Or am I over doing it i.e. is this sort of thing assumed knowledge 
>>>>> for testers?
>>>>> Third:
>>>>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Activities#Bugs -->
>>>>> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs specifically 
>>>>> mentions a
>>>>> separate Kubuntu page - is anyone aware of a separate Xubuntu page?
>>>>> Andrew
>>>> For the most part, Xubuntu follows the Ubuntu processes. All bugs are
>>>> reported directly to launchpad the same as for Ubuntu. Kubuntu, on the
>>>> other hand, does not report most bugs directly to launchpad, but to
>>>> upstream.
>>>> Documentation for testing and filing bugs for Xubuntu is :
>>>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Testing
>>>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Bugs
>>>> - -- Charlie Kravetz
>>>> Linux Registered User Number 425914          [http://counter.li.org/]
>>>> Never let anyone steal your DREAM.           
>>>> [http://keepingdreams.com]
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