classroom sessions.

Phill Whiteside PhillW at
Sat Dec 29 23:15:59 UTC 2012

Hi Liz,

firstly, I hope you and yours have had a great Christmas.
Secondaly, I wish you and yours a great 2013.

@everyone else, you are included in these warmest wishes from me.

But, back to details. Using Virtual Machines for testing 13.04

virt-manager (KVM) in 12.10 is unhappy with running 13.04 as default -
there is a work-around, but it does make a classroom session awkward.
Vbox should be okay to go, I'm quite happy to host a session on that.
Test Drive I'm leaving in the hands of the guys who use it. - Noskaj.

One thing that we have discussed before is for pre-requisites such as your
example[1]. For us to have meaningful discussions, it is really a point
where we do *have to decide *do we ask people to pre-download a DVD sized
iso, or that we use an alternate sized CD image upon which we can build on.
At this point, politics kick in :(

Or, do we run more than more classroom session so that people who are DVD
size ability can hold that and those for whom bandwidth speed / capping is
an issue?

Maybe have a chat to Amber over how we deal with this split?

Here's to 2013,



On 29 December 2012 18:14, Elizabeth Krumbach <lyz at> wrote:

> On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 11:03 PM, Jackson Doak <doak.jackson at>
> wrote:
> > Also, when are we getting the dates penciled in?
> I was going to drop a note to the list to ask the same thing :)
> As an FYI - the Classroom team would like at *at least* a week notice
> out before an event so we can set everything up and blog about the
> session(s). Plus this allows us to get the sessions advertised in the
> Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter (published Mondays) *before* they happen,
> which increases attendance.
> --
> Elizabeth Krumbach // Lyz // pleia2
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