classroom sessions.

Jackson Doak doak.jackson at
Sat Dec 29 07:06:58 UTC 2012

Forgot to add something, may not be related, but should we try and update
the wiki on what we are doing the sessions on, and should testdrive be
/testdrive or /testing/tools(or whatever we call it)/testdrive ?

On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 6:03 PM, Jackson Doak <doak.jackson at>wrote:

> For the classroom sessions should we add a Vbox classroom since we already
> have openbox and kvm planned? i could co-host it.
> Also, when are we getting the dates penciled in? as an FYI i might not be
> able to do the 5th and 6th (i think that would be 4th and 5th UTC).
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