AutoPilot Testcases project launched

Chris Johnston chrisjohnston at
Sun Dec 23 22:02:48 UTC 2012

On 12/21/2012 12:24 PM, Nicholas Skaggs wrote:
> What Chris said :-)  I thought everyone who was a testcase admin should
> have upload rights, while other can propose a merge, etc.. It's my first
> time setting up a project, so bear with me.
> Chris has now setup things a bit nicer for everyone -- the testcase
> admins team are now the owners of trunk (instead of me :-) ), and you
> should be able to commit and submit merge proposals. Can you explain
> things a bit more for everyone Chris as to how to interact with the project?
> Thanks Chris!

Greetings all!

So I worked with Nicholas and the branch lp:ubuntu-autopilot-tests [1]
is now owned by the ~ubuntu-testcase [2] team. There are a bunch of good
tutorials on using bazaar out there, including this one [3].

The basics would be that a user would check out a copy of the branch
(bzr branch lp:ubuntu-autopilot-tests), do the work that they needed to
do, commit their new code (bzr commit -m "Some description"), then push
it back to Launchpad as their user (bzr push
lp:~lpusername/ubuntu-autopilot-tests/descriptivename). You would then
propose a merge of your branch into lp:ubuntu-autopilot-tests (you can
do this via bzr lp-propose, or in Launchpad).

After proposing your merge, someone who is a member of the
~ubuntu-testcase team should review and test your code. After reviewing
the code, they will approve it for merging and merge it into
lp:ubuntu-autopilot-tests. A user, under normal circumstances should not
be committing their code directly to lp:ubuntu-autopilot-tests, that
should be left to whoever is reviewing the code.

Any other questions, just shout!




Chris Johnston - cjohnston
chrisjohnston at
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