
Jackson Doak doak.jackson at
Mon Dec 3 05:58:51 UTC 2012

yes, i understand we still need some proper testcases though

On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 10:49 AM, Phill Whiteside <PhillW at> wrote:

> Hi Jackson,
> Had a quick chat on -release... The reasoning is below:
> (23:32:04) phillw: stgraber: I've had a bug reported... all the network
> iso's are called mini.iso
> (23:32:20) stgraber: and why is that a bug?
> (23:32:44) phillw: well, try loading two of them, then using zsync?
> (23:32:55) phillw: i686 / AMD64...
> (23:33:22) stgraber: just store them on your machine with a different
> filename?
> (23:33:33) phillw:
> (23:33:33) stgraber: besides, you can't zsync them as they are on
>, not on cdimage
> (23:33:53) phillw:
> (23:34:24) stgraber: sure, that's the filename that debian-installer has
> always been using for the netboot images, changing that would break a lot
> of things for close to no benefit
> (23:34:36) phillw: So, they are being built daily, but in a totally
> different naming schedule to the all the isos?
> (23:34:43) stgraber: they're not built daily
> (23:35:01) stgraber: they're built as part of a debian-installer package
> build, so they're built whenever someone uploads a new debian-installer to
> the archive
> (23:35:36) phillw: okies, thanks.. i'll be able to reply to the tester
> for which the names are causing problems
> (23:35:39) stgraber: and they're built through the package build process,
> not through the image build process, that's why they're on
> as are all binary packages and not on
> (23:35:55) cjwatson: And it's perfectly possible to supply a different
> output file name when using zsync.
> (23:36:26) cjwatson: Or rsync or whatever.
> (23:36:40) xnox: phillw: zsync -o flag or wget -O flag.
> (23:37:09) cjwatson: I'm responsible for those file names and I won't
> change them.
> (23:37:19) phillw: I see that they only have direct (http) entry for
> download... sorry.. i didn't look deep enough into the issue reported by
> the tester.
> (23:38:14) phillw: cjwatson: is it possible to zsync when there is no
> zsync link?
> (23:38:36) xnox: phillw: yes.
> (23:38:48) cjwatson: If it is, it will provide no meaningful benefit over
> just using wget.
> (23:38:49) xnox: phillw: it will redownload the whole file =)
> (23:39:33) phillw: okies, I'll mark it down as "won't fix" :) Thanks for
> clearing it up.
> So, they are not part of 'normal' builds. I hope the above explains the
> reasoning behind why it is done this way.
> Regards,
> Phill.
>  On 2 December 2012 22:06, Phill Whiteside <PhillW at> wrote:
>> Hi Nicholas,
>> following on from a quick IRC chat.. all the mini.iso's are called....
>> mini.iso.... This makes keeping track of which one you're testing a
>> nightmare! A couple of examples....
>> This does not follow, in any way shape or form, the naming of the isos
>> that we use! Yes, I know that it could be somewhat of a nightmare... but
>> now is really good time to get it sorted :)
>> If you could have a chat with the release team about having the cron job
>> be tweaked so that the 'unique' part of a build is put onto the iso instead
>> of the directory so that it follows what happens for other iso's.
>> Thanks,
>> Phill.
>> On 2 December 2012 19:42, Jackson Doak <doak.jackson at> wrote:
>>> Nio thats my problem as well, i'm just guessing. pssiva and jibel seem
>>> to have been doing it for a while so we need them
>>> On Sun, Dec 2, 2012 at 9:13 PM, Nio Wiklund <nio.wiklund at>wrote:
>>>> On 2012-12-02 04:56, Jackson Doak wrote:
>>>> > This message is mainly for pssiva and jibel but we need the netboot
>>>> > testcases to exist on AMD64 and 32-bit. also the ppc one is outdated.
>>>> > Why am i the only one now who tests netboot?
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> Maybe because most of us don't know how to do it.
>>>> If you write a short manual 'a how-to page' or refer to an existing one,
>>>> other people might come along and help you to test netboot.
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