Facebook Page

Phill Whiteside PhillW at Ubuntu.com
Fri Aug 17 03:41:52 UTC 2012

Hi guys & gals,

as a part of Nicholas's questionaire one thing that had been previously
discussed was how does QA advertise itself. We have bounced a couple of
ideas about. One of them has actually arrived, albeit in a beta version.
[1]  Nicholas will quite easily say that he is not a FaceBook person, and
in all honesty, I am only because of Lubuntu [2]. [3].

The group is 'permissive' so that only admins may accept new members, this
has been previously shown to me to be effective in reducing spam attacks &
I would like to keep to keep it that way. For this to continue we will need
more admins!

Hopefully there are other members of the QA group who are also familiar
with looking after a fb group account. The banner will be done once we
decide if we do decide to use FaceBook to improve our rating of "What,
there, is a QA team?" score on the recent survey.

I now retire and await for world war three to break out :)

Nah, just joking, but please give your thoughts & if you think it will be
useful as an area to introduce people to QA, have a chat, point new commers
into QA, then please ask to be an admin.


1. https://www.facebook.com/groups/432347580138081/
P.S. we need ~20 members to have the name changed from
"432347580138081<https://www.facebook.com/groups/432347580138081/>" to
"Ubuntu QA" Please join :)
2. https://www.facebook.com/Lubuntu.Official.Page
3. https://www.facebook.com/groups/lubuntu.official/

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