Introductory Mail

Nicholas Skaggs nicholas.skaggs at
Wed Aug 8 19:22:30 UTC 2012

Greetings Mart! Feel free to ask questions and learn! The wiki has some 
good information. I would recommend reading over these pages, and then 
asking questions about what you might be interested in.

The qatracker is our central tool for our activities:

The different types of testing we do are described on this page:


On 08/08/2012 02:20 AM, "Mart Küng" wrote:
> Hi
> I'm Mart Küng a.k.a. kyng386, a student from Estonia. I have been using
> *buntu(s) since ~2006 and recently started to think I would like to help
> making it better. I don't have much experience about testing so watch &
> learn will be my primary activities in the near future.
> Mart

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