New QA Meeting, today at 17:00 UTC
Gema Gomez
gema.gomez-solano at
Wed Nov 30 15:38:17 UTC 2011
Hash: SHA1
On 30/11/11 15:33, Charlie Kravetz wrote:
> On Wed, 30 Nov 2011 15:29:35 +0000 Gema Gomez
> <gema.gomez-solano at> wrote:
>> On 30/11/11 15:11, Charlie Kravetz wrote:
>>> On Wed, 30 Nov 2011 15:02:36 +0000 Gema Gomez
>>> <gema.gomez-solano at> wrote:
>>>> Dear all,
>>>> we will be having our new QA Team Meeting today at 17:00 UTC,
>>>> right before the Bugs Meeting in #ubuntu-meeting.
>>>> Today we will be discussing the new format of the meeting
>>>> and we will give an update of all the blueprints we are
>>>> working on at the moment in the QA Team.
>>>> Find the temporary agenda in the usual place:
>>>> Any questions/concerns/ideas please bring them to the
>>>> meeting and let's discuss them.
>>>> See you there, Gema
>>> I do not like this new meeting thing. For me, as a derivative
>>> QA, it now costs me two hours for the QA meeting, since I am
>>> all of QA for Xubuntu. We don't have two people, nor do we
>>> really have a need for two people.
>> Thanks for bringing this up, Charlie. You are one of the few
>> people that were present in most meetings, and as you know, we
>> didn't have a lot of outside presence in them. This, and the
>> changes that are undergoing in QA, that require more focus, are
>> the reasons why we are changing the format of the meetings.
>> Maybe, by bringing the right attention to QA and the right
>> attention to bugs, we can increase the QA community and find
>> someone that can help you as well.
>> We are going to document and publish everything that is
>> discussed in both meetings, so anyone could make use of the
>> mailing lists to discuss any concern if they are not able to
>> attend one of the meetings in person.
>> Historically, in Ubuntu, bug triaging and QA have been very
>> interconnected and often confused, by bringing that separation
>> to it we are increasing our chances of success in doing better
>> testing and better triaging, in my opinion. We'll help you with
>> you time problem if you cannot attend some of the meetings, and
>> we will consider compressing both meetings to 30 mins each if
>> that is all the time that is required, let's see how it goes and
>> how much time is really necessary for each once they are
>> established in their new formats.
>> Thanks, Gema
> Thank you. I don't the length of the meeting matters so much, if I
> have to plan to be in #ubuntu-meeting at both 17:00 and 18:00
> UTC. That takes a big chunk out of day.
Yep, I agree, if things go smooth and the time required for the QA
meeting, for instance, is 30 mins, we could start at 17:30. Or if that
is the case with the bugs meeting as well, we could schedule both
within the same hour (either 1700 or 1800). It is just arbitrary to
assign an hour to the meetings, since we don't know how long they are
going to end up being, they could be 30 mins each and occupy only one
hour in total.
Let's see how it goes and then rearrange the schedule accordingly.
Let's give ourselves a couple of weeks to settle the new agendas and
we could have by January a definitive schedule that suits everyone.
- --
Gema Gomez-Solano <gema.gomez-solano at>
QA Team +44 799 053 7303
Canonical Ltd.
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