New Laptop Tester Clarification

Paolo Sammicheli xdatap1 at
Sat Mar 26 20:09:55 UTC 2011

Alle 18:22 del 26/3/2011, Andrew Barilla ha scritto:
> I'm all setup with profiles and accounts to be a tester but was wondering
> about a couple issues.

Hello Andrew, thanks for help us testing Ubuntu!

> 1) If we're testing something is in active development like Natty, should we
> install the Milestone release and then not do any updates before doing the
> testing or should the system be full updated?

All Laptop tests are expected to be tested with milestone release. Actually there's a 
Natty fake build, the official Natty release will start next week with the Beta1 
release. Please note that on the Laptop tracker there's also the previous stable 
version. It's important to have laptop tested also with previous version so that we can 
compare tests and find regression.

> 2) How important is it too remove all configuration from the home directory
> before doing testing?  I haven't looked through the instructions for every
> test yet, but I'm wondering if it's possible that existing configuration
> could mess up the tests?

Normally it's important because some configuration can impact the results. If you have 
configuration on your home and you don't want to delete it, you could create a new fresh 

Paolo Sammicheli
EMail: xdatap1(at)
- Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication - Leonardo da Vinci

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