Issues with Natty .

Joseph Areeda newsreply at
Mon Mar 21 17:38:24 UTC 2011


I'm a new guy too so nothing definitive to follow, but I'm happy to 
share what little I've learned in the last few weeks.

My biggest problem getting started is the sheer size of the task and the 
lack of assignments.  This is a job for the self-motivated, self 
directed person not a supervised grunt.  Personally, I wouldn't mind 
being assigned some grunt work in the beginning.  it might go a long way 
to help getting the new guy immersed in the process.  So if any of you 
mentors need some manpower on your current task just ask.

There's a fair amount written in the QA wiki's you can start at the 
testing team page <> but I haven't found 
an answer to the question "what do I do"

ISO testing <> has some defined test plans that 
are best run on a spare machine.

It is most convenient for me to run a virtual machine so I've been 
loading iso's and trying to use it as much as I can.  Lately this has 
led to as many problems with VirtualBox and it's client drivers as it 
has with Natty but I'm not sure that is a bad thing.  I'd like to get 
experience with Unity and exercise it but current issues with the 3D VB 
drivers are postponing that.

As far as I can tell so far, the main function of the QA team is to use 
the new stuff and generate high quality bug reports on the problems we 

It doesn't seem to be coordinated effort with assignments or test plans, 
so I've been exploring and loading and using packages that I normally 
use and anything else that catches my fancy.  When I run into a problem 
it's 50-50 a bug or my inexperience so I do a lot of web searching, 
reading bug reports and forum posts, I'm spending much of my time in 
/var/log.  it's a great way to educate myself and maybe help the process.

As I said I'm new, I have no problem with people telling me I'm wrong or 
pointing out what I'm missing, just the opposite.  The main reason for 
this email is to find problems with my view of the process.

Welcome aboard and good hunting.

On 03/19/2011 11:21 AM, rahul hada wrote:
> Dear All,
> I am new in the mailing list and also new in QA , could you please 
> provide me some guidance.
> Happy Learning!
> Rahul Hada
> India
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