The Daily image 16. march

Guillem Hernández Sola guillem.hernandez.sola at
Wed Mar 16 15:38:09 UTC 2011


I have alse tried todays daily natty desktop i386 ISO (16 march 2011) on 
a virtual machine.

I attach an screenshot of the crash.

When the user press ok, the virtual machine reboots.

Best regards,

Al 16/03/11 12:27, En/na Mads ¤ ha escrit:
> Hi.
> Hope I am doing the right thing here.
> I have not been having much luck installing Natty yet because of 
> driver problems, and crashes in ubiquity.
> Testing todays daily natty desktop i386 ISO dated 16. march
> When Creating bootable USB stick with UNetbooin. Choosing "default" at 
> unbootin menu it boots into console. Choosing Install Ubuntu boot into 
> GUI, but brings two unexpectedly closed programs Ubiquity and 
> "gsettings data conversion"
> Have downloaded again and tried using startup disk creator. same error.
> I have reported it as bug:

~# Guillem Hernandez Sola
~$ @(-_-)@ (I'm Leia Organa)
~# Where Pop8>>  0x0A
~# I'll fly with you

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