Test cases review
Jiří Podvolecký
jiri.podvolecky at volny.cz
Fri Dec 16 13:25:32 UTC 2011
Gema Gomez píše v Čt 15. 12. 2011 v 13:35 +0000:
> Hi,
> I have reviewed the test cases we've generated so far and they look
> really good. I have added some comments, but I think they are an
> excellent starting point so far.
> Please, review them asap if you are planning to do it, so that we can
> mark them as reviewed and add the new versions back to the wiki! I'd say
> from now till Sunday we can spend reviewing, then after the end of this
> week we can update them and consider them done.
> https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgtV30nnv18edFQzNVB4S2duOWNOT05zaHo3S0pNekE&hl=en_US#gid=0
I swimingly understand all test cases provided in document.
> Thanks,
> Gema
> --
> Gema Gomez-Solano <gema.gomez-solano at canonical.com>
> Ubuntu QA Team https://launchpad.net/~gema.gomez
> Canonical Ltd. http://www.canonical.com
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