Gherkin DSL for testcase description and automation
roignac at
Sat Dec 10 09:44:58 UTC 2011
2011/12/9 Gema Gomez <gema.gomez-solano at>:
> +1 to brendand for putting it so clearly.
> On the other hand, I am happy to do the intellectual exercise of trying
> to imagine what a long test case would look like with Gherkin method,
> and figure out if it would work. Can someone have a go at, let's say..
Here is a quick and dirty example. I marked comments with #, however,
they should be removed for automation suite.
Feature: Ubuntu Full Install
Scenario: Default installation
When I boot with Live CD
Then I see a desktop
And 'Install Ubuntu' icon is present
When I double click 'Install Ubuntu' icon
Then Ubuquity starts #here we can check main window etc.
When Welcome screen appears # add steps to check welcome screen
And I click 'Forward' button
When 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen appears
Then Checkmark 'Your system have at least the amount a space indicated' is set
And Checkmark 'Is plugged to a power source' is set
And Checkmark 'Is connected to the Internet' is set
When I click 'Forward'
Then 'Allocate drive space' screen appears
When I select 'Erase Disk and install Ubuntu'
Then option is selected # rewrite me, i look stupid!
When I click 'Forward'
Then 'Erase disk and install Ubuntu' screen appears
And Selected item in 'Select drive' list is the drive on the chart
And Full drive space is allocated
When I click 'Forward' button
Then 'Where are you?' screen appears
And Current city is set to 'Minsk' #Use variables here!
And Current timezone is set to 'GMT+3' #And here!
When I click on 'London' city on the map
Then Current timezone is set to 'GMT'
And Current city is set to 'London'
When I input 'Par' in city textbox
Then Suggestions dropdown list is opened
And Suggestion list contains 'Paris' item
When I select 'Paris' from suggestion list
Then Current city is set to 'Paris'
And Current timezone is set to 'GMT+1' #Is it? Correct if it is not
When I click 'Forward' button
Then 'Keyboard layout' screen appears
When I select 'EN' layout #review me!
And I select 'EN-GB' variant #and me too, please!
And I press 't' button
Then 't' symbol appears in verification textbox #rewrite, looks ugly, huh?
When I click 'Detect Keyboard Layout' button
And I answer all questions #expand me!
Then Proposed keyboard layout is 'En, En-gb'
When I click 'Forward' button
Then 'Who are you?' screen appears
When I input user details #expand - I input 'name'
as name etc.
And I click 'Forward'
Then Installation screen appears
When I click left arrow on the side of the slide
Then Next slide is displayed
When I click right arrow on the side of the slide
Then Previous slide is displayed
When I wait for 1 minute
Then Next slide is displayed
When Installer has finished its tasks
And I click 'Restart now' option
Then 'something about remove disk' dialog appears #oh my, its been
long since I installed Ubuntu!
When I remove disk
And I press Enter
Then machine reboots
When Grub is displayed
And Plymouth displays fancy animation
Then Login prompt is displayed
When I input required credentials # expand - I input '' as login etc.
Then User is logged in
Vadim Rutkovsky
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