
Brendan Donegan brendan.donegan at canonical.com
Thu Dec 1 13:28:51 UTC 2011

On 01/12/11 13:17, Besmir Gogu wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> My name is Besi and I am from Albania. I joined a couple of weeks ago 
> but failed to introduce myself.
> I am a computer science specialist working in the mobile telecom industry.
> I would like to get involved more with the Ubuntu projects as I 
> believe that you are doing an amazing work here.
> I have chosen Ubuntu as a linux distro and I believe that I can learn 
> so much more by getting involved.
> I do not have a lot of experience in Ubuntu itself although I believe 
> that given the chance I can learn and do much.
> Thank You
> Besi
Hi Besi,

Thanks for expressing interest in Ubuntu QA. Right now you can join the 
following communications channels for guidance:

* #ubuntu-bugs on Freenode IRC, for help on managing and raising bugs
* #ubuntu-testing on Freenode IRC, for help on participating in QA 
activities (ISO testing mainly)

The QA wiki is here - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam
The Bug Squad (bug management community) is here - 

Currently, there is testing going on for the Precise Pangolin Alpha 1 
release - the test tracker is here : and you can ask on 
#ubuntu-testing if you aren't sure how to use it.
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