Call for testing: Overlay scrollbars round 2

Jean-Baptiste Lallement jean-baptiste at
Tue Apr 19 21:42:16 UTC 2011

Hi testers,

3 weeks ago we tested a preview version of new feature unique to Ubuntu
Natty: the overlay scrollbars.
The feedback you've provided were really great and the overlay
scrollbars are now part of your favourite desktop.

We'll ask you to do it again and test the overlay scrollbars in the
latest build.
The goal of the testing is to discover:
 * any kind of crashers, like when the application starts and tries to
display the window(s) containing scrollbars
 * slowdowns in using scrollable areas; measurements can help judge how
much the scrollbar really impacts the application, or whether the
application is just slow due to other circumstances
 * any other kind of anomaly obviously due to the scrollbars that
impacts the user experience

 * How can you help ?

We need people running Natty either installed or from a live session,
then follow the the instructions below:
 1. Update your system yo the latest version of the packages available
or use the latest ISO from

The Overlay Scrollbar are installed by default starting from Natty Beta
2 and available in Unity and Classic Desktop.

 2. You have to have an account in our tracking system. Go to
 and click on "Log In" and "Create New Account"

 3. Run the 5 tests described on the tracker (when you click on "Overlay
Scrollbars) with as many applications as you can and post the results of
the tests to the Tracker [1]. Add the applications you've tested in the
comment area of the result.

To test the scrollbar with as many applications as possible you'll need
to disable the whitelist. To disable the whitelist prefix each
application invocation with:


for example


To enable it permanently, create a file
/etc/X11/Xsession.d/80overlayscrollbars with the content:


The tracker only allows 1 result per reporter and testcase. Paste the
list of applications with the results in the comment area of the test
case you covered.

Before starting to test the scrollbars, read the detailed instructions on:

 * How to file bugs ?

In case you find bugs, please report them at:

Don't forget to mention the version of the overlay library tested, and
of the application that exposes the problem. If the application crashed,
apport should have captured a crash file which can help narrow down the
issue more quickly.

You can join us in #ubuntu-testing on Freenode where we are coordinating
this effort and we'll be happy to help you in testing this feature.


irc: jibel

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