Ubuntu-qa Digest, Vol 42, Issue 5
VWXJ6 at aol.com
VWXJ6 at aol.com
Sun Apr 3 15:26:27 UTC 2011
That's the reason I dropped Ubuntu, and went to Fedora.
In a message dated 4/3/2011 8:01:11 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
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Today's Topics:
1. ubuntu 11.04 beta natty problems (Pablo Costas)
2. Re: ubuntu 11.04 beta natty problems (Jim Kielman)
Message: 1
Date: Sat, 2 Apr 2011 20:51:46 +0200
From: Pablo Costas <pacosfran at gmail.com>
To: Ubuntu-qa at lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: ubuntu 11.04 beta natty problems
<AANLkTimksW4bvx2U7qY82kf129LTiMs-Dvu==61V9JiK at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
hey guys,
i have several problems, i recently have installed the new 11.04 ubuntu
natty , i did it using a cd live ans install , the live distro works so
but when i was going to install it it asked me 4 options to do , 1 install
ubuntu erasing all files 2 update ubuntu 10,10 to ubuntu 11.04 and
i've chosen that one , and when it was close to finish the installation
asistant told me that some packages were broken and he couldnt install the
new ones so the will leave the old ones and i did think that it was as bad
as it is ,
when i run ubuntu from the grub menu , after putting my login and my
password the ubuntu panel is not showed in the screen and one window
telling me "Could not update ICEauthority file
and after that nothing happens , i've tried to fix if is there something
broken by running recovery mode and chosing the option -dpkg restore and
packages , but nothing happens after that , im thinking about disconnect
windows hard disk and run again the live of ubuntu 11.04 and chose the 1?
option the one that says "erase everything and install"
what should i do ???
Pablo Costas
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Message: 2
Date: Sat, 02 Apr 2011 15:00:47 -0700
From: Jim Kielman <cariboo907 at gmail.com>
To: Pablo Costas <pacosfran at gmail.com>, ubuntu-qa at lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: Re: ubuntu 11.04 beta natty problems
Message-ID: <4D979C8F.5040406 at gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; Format="flowed"
On 11-04-02 11:51 AM, Pablo Costas wrote:
> hey guys,
> i have several problems, i recently have installed the new 11.04 ubuntu
> natty , i did it using a cd live ans install , the live distro works so
> but when i was going to install it it asked me 4 options to do , 1
> ubuntu erasing all files 2 update ubuntu 10,10 to ubuntu 11.04 and
> i've chosen that one , and when it was close to finish the installation
> asistant told me that some packages were broken and he couldnt install
> new ones so the will leave the old ones and i did think that it was as
> as it is ,
> when i run ubuntu from the grub menu , after putting my login and my
> password the ubuntu panel is not showed in the screen and one window
> telling me "Could not update ICEauthority file
> and after that nothing happens , i've tried to fix if is there something
> broken by running recovery mode and chosing the option -dpkg restore and
> packages , but nothing happens after that , im thinking about disconnect
> windows hard disk and run again the live of ubuntu 11.04 and chose the 1?
> option the one that says "erase everything and install"
> what should i do ???
> thanks,
> Pablo Costas
You may be better off asking your question either on the forums:
http://ubuntuforums.org <http://ubuntuforums.org/index.php>
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