Ubuntu-qa Digest, Vol 36, Issue 6

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Mon Oct 25 04:02:50 UTC 2010

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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Ubuntu QA Meeting minutes 2010 - 10 - 13 (Paolo Sammicheli)
   2. Re: Ubuntu QA Meeting minutes 2010 - 10 - 13 (Ara Pulido)
   3. Outdated Laptop Test plan makes testing a less pleasant
      experience (Daniel Kulesz)
   4. [Fwd: QA team] (Dave Morley)
   5. Call for Testing: webkit (Marc Deslauriers)
   6. Hello (Jos? Perdomo)
   7. Re: Outdated Laptop Test plan makes testing a less pleasant
      experience (Sergio Zanchetta)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2010 12:41:23 +0200
From: Paolo Sammicheli <xdatap1 at ubuntu.com>
Subject: Re: Ubuntu QA Meeting minutes 2010 - 10 - 13
To: ubuntu-qa at lists.ubuntu.com
Message-ID: <201010141241.24090.xdatap1 at ubuntu.com>
Content-Type: Text/Plain;  charset="iso-8859-1"

Alle 12:20 del 14/10/2010, Ara Pulido ha scritto:
>  * xdatap, on behalf of primes2h, will propose
> https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/laptop-testing-tracker for
> UDS Natty.

After the meeting I fixed the url according the naming standard. Now
it's renamed to:

Paolo Sammicheli
EMail: xdatap1(at)ubuntu.comhttps://launchpad.net/~xdatap1
- Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication - Leonardo da Vinci


Message: 2
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2010 12:42:53 +0200
From: Ara Pulido <ara at ubuntu.com>
Subject: Re: Ubuntu QA Meeting minutes 2010 - 10 - 13
To: ubuntu-qa at lists.ubuntu.com
Message-ID: <4CB6DEAD.6050603 at ubuntu.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

On 10/14/2010 12:41 PM, Paolo Sammicheli wrote:
> Alle 12:20 del 14/10/2010, Ara Pulido ha scritto:
>>  * xdatap, on behalf of primes2h, will propose
>> https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/laptop-testing-tracker for
>> UDS Natty.
> After the meeting I fixed the url according the naming standard. Now it's renamed to:
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/qa-n-laptop-testing-tracker

And I have changed it again to:


(sorry for the names! it wasn't my idea!)



Message: 3
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2010 21:15:21 +0200
From: Daniel Kulesz <daniel.kulesz at informatik.uni-stuttgart.de>
Subject: Outdated Laptop Test plan makes testing a less pleasant
To: ubuntu-qa at lists.ubuntu.com
	<201010152115.21235.daniel.kulesz at informatik.uni-stuttgart.de>
Content-Type: text/plain;  charset="us-ascii"

Dear Ubuntu Testing Team members,

in the last few days, I tried to contribute to testing of the 10.10 release on
various Laptops which I have or can use for that purpose. Unfortunately I made
the experience, that the wiki with the Test plans is pretty outdated, and
therefore many tests need to be marked as "failed" because the instructions
are not appropiate. Some examples:

exc-001: There is no example folder / symlink anymore, the content was moved
to /usr/share/example-content already some time ago. It is not clear which
files / applications are targetted, and what the expected output is. (not only
the applications should start correctly, but they should also handle the files
snr-001: Entering the password is not needed when testing via LiveCD, this
should be mentioned.
snr-002: Executing more than 30 cycles of sleep/wakeup could lead to hardware
damage, limiting the cycles to 5 should be really enough!
him-001: It is not clear, if this applies only to internal card readers only.
khk-001: The expected behaviour is, that Ubuntu also shows the volume meter on
screen; but on many older machines the volume is adjusted, but the user is not
given appropiate (visual) feedback. This should be included in this test case
as well, to spot the affected machines.
hsi-001: the media file "fables_01_01_aesop.spx" seems to be outdated, there
is other media included in 10.10; It should be also verified, that the sound
plays correctly and does not produce any stottering
hhi-001: see hsi-001
his-001: Changing refresh rate not covered
his-001: (video in general) there is no test case to test for fluent video
playback (maybe except exc-001)
bfu-001: Not clear, what is meant by app - is this the whole operating system?
hpu-002: Ubuntu has various bugs regarding wrong paper size (especially A4 vs.
letter) in some drivers, this should be verified here as well.
hpu-002, hds-001, hds-002, hds-003, hds-004 : missing here - at least some of
them should be included into LaptopTesting as well, this is pretty important
for many mobile users

Other, general aspects:
* the template for the Laptop entries
(https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Laptop/Reports/Template) is *very*
incomplete. Most people seem to include info like lshw output, dmidecode
details etc. - why is this all missing in the template? Therefore, instead of
re-using the template, testers have to copy/paste the structure around from
existing reports.
* the main wiki page (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Laptop/Reports) has no
consistency regarding the naming of the tested "editions"

It would make testing Ubuntu (Pre-)Releases a much more pleasant experience,
if you could update the test plan and look into the mentioned issues. I
strongly believe there are much more people out there who would be willing to
contribute to systematic Laptop Testing, but finding the wiki pages and test
plan in the current (not very useable) state could be pretty frustrating.

Regards, Daniel


Message: 4
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2010 11:12:49 +0100
From: Dave Morley <davmor2 at davmor2.co.uk>
Subject: [Fwd: QA team]
To: ubuntu-qa <ubuntu-qa at lists.ubuntu.com>
Message-ID: <1287396769.1966.1.camel at boromir>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

I got this direct this morning I'm assuming it should of come here.
Seek That Thy Might Know
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Message: 5
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2010 13:54:04 -0400
From: Marc Deslauriers <marc.deslauriers at canonical.com>
Subject: Call for Testing: webkit
To: ubuntu-devel at lists.ubuntu.com, ubuntu-qa at lists.ubuntu.com,
	ubuntu-desktop at lists.ubuntu.com
Message-ID: <1287424444.6471.69.camel at mdlinux>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"


I have prepared security updates for webkit for Karmic, Lucid and
Maverick that fix a ton of security issues.

Since these updates actually update webkit to version 1.2.5, they are
currently in -proposed and are awaiting positive feedback. Here is a
list of some of the applications that use webkit:

- devhelp
- empathy
- midori
- epiphany-browser
- banshee
- shotwell
- rhythmbox
- liferea
- gimp

Please leave positive feedback or report any issues in the following




Message: 6
Date: Sat, 23 Oct 2010 15:15:27 -0430
From: Jos? Perdomo <joseaperdomoa at gmail.com>
Subject: Hello
To: ubuntu-qa at lists.ubuntu.com
Message-ID: <1287863127.2193.5.camel at josep-laptop>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Greetings all, new man in the house jejeje. I just want to help a
little, but I'm not even an expert user.


Message: 7
Date: Sun, 24 Oct 2010 17:29:35 +0200
From: Sergio Zanchetta <primes2h at ubuntu.com>
Subject: Re: Outdated Laptop Test plan makes testing a less pleasant
To: ubuntu-qa at lists.ubuntu.com
	<AANLkTimXq0W5qKRX+3-vTk0X9FtJFC2erMUuwiwR3DzP at mail.gmail.com
<AANLkTimXq0W5qKRX%2B3-vTk0X9FtJFC2erMUuwiwR3DzP at mail.gmail.com>>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

2010/10/15 Daniel Kulesz <daniel.kulesz at informatik.uni-stuttgart.de>

Hello Daniel!

exc-001: There is no example folder / symlink anymore, the content was moved
> to /usr/share/example-content already some time ago. It is not clear which
> files / applications are targetted, and what the expected output is. (not
> only
> the applications should start correctly, but they should also handle the
> files
> correctly)

In fact I don't know how to handle this, because I don't know actual and
future plans about this folder.
Suggestions and comments are welcome.

> snr-001: Entering the password is not needed when testing via LiveCD, this
> should be mentioned.


> snr-002: Executing more than 30 cycles of sleep/wakeup could lead to
> hardware
> damage, limiting the cycles to 5 should be really enough!

This kind of test is present even in checkbox, I don't have an answer about
Maybe a member of kernel team could clarify this.

> him-001: It is not clear, if this applies only to internal card readers
> only.

It should be clear because it's in the "system" section. External card
reader tests are in "USB" section (hum-*).

> khk-001: The expected behaviour is, that Ubuntu also shows the volume meter
> on
> screen; but on many older machines the volume is adjusted, but the user is
> not
> given appropiate (visual) feedback. This should be included in this test
> case
> as well, to spot the affected machines.

This test is about checking if multimedia hotkeys do the appropriate action
after pressing them. (e.g. lowering volume)
Some laptop hotkeys are not mapped yet and this need to be reported (for
The issue you are reporting is a "visual" one and even if it doesn't seem to
be an hardware problem it should be reported as bug as well, specifying it
on the bug description.

> hsi-001: the media file "fables_01_01_aesop.spx" seems to be outdated,
> there
> is other media included in 10.10; It should be also verified, that the
> sound
> plays correctly and does not produce any stottering
> hhi-001: see hsi-001

Now it should be ok.

> his-001: Changing refresh rate not covered
> his-001: (video in general) there is no test case to test for fluent video
> playback (maybe except exc-001)

We are testing laptops, that should be important using crt monitors.
About fluent video playback,exc-001 test could be sufficient to cover it.
In fact, an application test (mediaplayer) should be considered, not an
hardware one.

> bfu-001: Not clear, what is meant by app - is this the whole operating
> system?

It should be ok now.

> hpu-002: Ubuntu has various bugs regarding wrong paper size (especially A4
> vs.
> letter) in some drivers, this should be verified here as well.

As mentioned before, this could be considered in an application test, not an
hardware one.
Anyway this shouldn't prevent you or someone else to report and link bugs
you find doing a test, even if not directly related to it.

> hpu-002, hds-001, hds-002, hds-003, hds-004 : missing here - at least some
> of
> them should be included into LaptopTesting as well, this is pretty
> important
> for many mobile users

Good point.

> Other, general aspects:
> * the template for the Laptop entries
> (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Laptop/Reports/Template) is *very*
> incomplete. Most people seem to include info like lshw output, dmidecode
> details etc. - why is this all missing in the template? Therefore, instead
> of
> re-using the template, testers have to copy/paste the structure around from
> existing reports.

This is because the original template included just a table, then some
people start adding other info on their own without mentioning in ML or
changing template.
For Natty I'm going to enrich it with other data to be filled in by users.

> * the main wiki page (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Laptop/Reports) has
> no
> consistency regarding the naming of the tested "editions"

What do you mean?
Putting the edition name in that page should be sufficient.

> It would make testing Ubuntu (Pre-)Releases a much more pleasant
> experience,
> if you could update the test plan and look into the mentioned issues. I
> strongly believe there are much more people out there who would be willing
> to
> contribute to systematic Laptop Testing, but finding the wiki pages and
> test
> plan in the current (not very useable) state could be pretty frustrating.

Thank you very much Daniel for your suggestions.
The laptop testing is a community project so everyone can help and
contribute updating testcases and suggesting improvements etc.
In the future feel free to keep on sharing your thoughts and proposing your
ideas here in ML so we can discuss together.


P.S.: Apart from issues you mentioned, I can say that the main problem of
this project is the use of wiki pages to report results.
I proposed a blueprint to integrate the laptop testing in the ISO tracker,
and it'll be discussed at the Ubuntu Developer Summit for Natty [?]

P.S.2: Thanks to people that helped updating testcases.


Sergio Zanchettahttps://launchpad.net/~primes2h
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