
Vince Marsters vince at marsters.co.uk
Tue May 25 20:21:25 UTC 2010


Just adding my introductions and hellos...

Like Andy I am from the UK but left education a long time ago. I have
been an active Microsoft Technical beta tester (the ones that get
releases not pushed to the public) in the past but have been following
Ubuntu for years. Finally with Lucid I found a release that I felt
confident to use full time in place of Windows. I am now using it on 2
laptops (Acer 8930G and Acer 6935G) and 2 Acer Aspire Revo 3600 units
running as XBMC media centers.
Along with this move to Ubuntu I am also moving most of my personal
testing to Ubuntu as well, hence my presence here. Looking forward to
getting to grips with Maverick when builds are pushed out. My main
method of testing is to try using the builds as a normal user (since my
experience tells me a user will find many more bugs than anyone doing
specific testing) although I also follow testing requests and scripts as

I also plan on doing some testing on my Aspire One and on some VMs
running under VMWare and VirtualBox.


Vince Marsters

On 22/05/10 11:46, Andrew Bancroft wrote:
> Hi,
> Just joined the Testing mailing list, I'm a student in the UK and use
> Ubuntu for most things, and at the moment just learning CLI to make me
> feel like a proper Ubuntu user! I would like to get involved testing
> Ubuntu and its software, so I need to find out how :p
> Andy.

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