On teams with diverting work-flows

Sense Hofstede qense at ubuntu.com
Thu Mar 4 19:41:12 UTC 2010


We probably all remember the arguments and rants that appeared a while
ago when MOTU got irritated by interference of the Bug Squad in their
work flow[1]. MOTU uses the statuses differently than the Bug Squad
does and even uses reports that would be dismissed as Invalid by some
members of the Bug Squad. However, after the dust settled it was
decided to make an exception for MOTU and allow them to use their own
work-flow. The Bug Squad policy was adapted to leave these kind of
bugs alone.

The packagers are not the only team to use different statuses. The
Security Team has given different meanings to the statuses, although
they still roughly mean the same.[2] More disturbing is the work-flow
change that the Desktop Team has implemented. Since Launchpad cannot
fetch the status of bugs from GNOME Bugzilla -- does anyone know why?
-- they're using the status 'Fix Committed' to indicate that there is
a patch/fix available upstream. However, Bug Control and the Bug Squad
didn't receive notice -- I never saw one -- of this change, and it
wasn't really discussed. This is not how things like this should go,
or at least not how I feel things should go.

The Bug Squad and the Bug Control are the bug masters of Ubuntu. They
are responsible for managing the large amounts of bugs reported on
Launchpad and making sure they get handled correctly. We do most of
the bug triaging, and therefore we have to deal most with the statuses
and importances used for the bugs. It's not more than fair to discuss
changes of the meanings given to statuses with the teams, or at least
send a notice. Especially when it concerns such a core area as the
_desktop_ I think we should be involved in discussions about it.

To set things clear and prevent a proliferation of different bug
work-flows in use in the same 'ubuntu' project on Launchpad I think we
should make either the QA team or Bug Control the team responsible for
approving and keeping track of the meanings given to statuses and
importances. Not that it should be some kind of bureaucratic system
where the QA teams deliberate endlessly over the position of an
adverb, but we should be given the opportunity to provide feedback.

I'm not against the use of a different work-flow when it's unworkable
to rigidly follow the default rules of the Bug Squad, the packagers
can't do without their own work-flow with Launchpad in its current
state. However, before a team decides to use a different work-flow it
should be seriously considered if it is really necessary and really
the best option. The Desktop Team could have used a tag instead, but
they choose for something as disrupting as changing the work-flow for
a selection of the most important packages in Ubuntu. Even if I'm the
only one thinking a tag would have been sufficient, the QA teams
should at least have been allowed to provide feedback and to notify
their users properly. Because as we speak the documentation isn't even

Maybe something for a session at the UDS?

[1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Sponsorship/SponsorsQueue
[2] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/BugTriage

Sense Hofstede
[ˈsɛn.sə ˈɦɔf.steːdə]

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