Ubuntu QA Meeting Notes: 16 June 2010 1700UTC

Jeff Lane jeffrey.lane at canonical.com
Wed Jun 16 18:03:49 UTC 2010

== Meeting Minutes ==

Ara pointed out that Mootbot logs all meetings at:

Here are the meeting logs for 9 June and 16 June:

9 June:

16 June:

== Review Previous Action Items ==

* Ara asked to revisit the Sound Card Testing item next week due to time
* bladernr took action to add that to the list for next week: DONE
* sbeattue and hggdh to reevaluate server tests: DONE
  hggdh updated the relevant blueprint.
* marjo to update relevant places/calendars with new times and location
for the Ubuntu QA meeting: UNKNOWN marjo is out for the day.

== SRU Testing (sbeattie) ==

Quick Summary:
* Lucid: 26 in -proposed, 23 pushed to -updates
* Karmic: 1 pushed to -updates
* Jaunty: 2 pushed to -updates
* Hardy: 1 pushed to -updates
* Dapper: 1 pushed to -updates

The latest report as well as an archive of previous ones can be found


Thanks to EVERYONE who participated in getting these tested and pushed
out the door. 

Special thanks to Jean-Baptiste Lallement (jibel) and Andreas Wenning
(a|wen) who tested several proposed packages this week.

Help testing Stable Release Updates is always needed! You can check
what needs testing at:


== Bug Day status (pedro_) ==

Last week the Bugsquad team had a Bug Day for Gnome Games and the
participation level was *awesome*


102 out of 105 bugs were triaged that day (WOW!)

Bug day heroes: kamusin, xteejx, evfool, charlie-tca, vish, drkenobi,
and Pa_trick17

The next Bug Day is on USB Creator:

Help always welcome! You can join the Bugsquad at #ubuntu-bugs

== Blueprints update (all) ==

Status toward Alpha 2 is available here:



ara has a pending merge request and needs a member of the
ubuntu-qa-website team to have a look at it.

sbeattie and bdmurray offered to help out with review too.
sbeattie also would like to add some upgrade testing cases to the
tracker as well.

== Chair for the next meeting ==

fader quickly stepped up to the plate to offer his services as the chair
for the next meeting.  However, he was gracious enough to step back when
ameetp volunteered.

REMEMBER: next week's meeting will be at 1900 UTC in #ubuntu-quality

Thanks everyone who came to the meeting!


Jeff Lane <jeffrey at canonical.com> 
Ubuntu Ham: W4KDH
IRC: bladernr or bladernr_
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