start QA

Ara Pulido ara at
Fri Jun 4 05:59:59 UTC 2010

On 06/02/2010 09:44 PM, Victor De Leon wrote:
> Hi Team:
> I am interested in the Feature Testing, Application Testing and i would like to lear about automated testing.
> What i can do to start working on this team??.

Hello Victor!

First of all you would need to run the development version of Ubuntu
(Maverick Meerkat) in your machine or in a virtual machine. You can
download the ISO here:

Then, for the application testing, you can go to the testcases wiki [1]
and follow the testcases there. May you find a bug, please report it.
There is documentation on how to report bugs [2].

For the feature testing, we regularly send call for testing to this
mailing list. So, stay tuned ;-)

As for Automated Testing, we use Checkbox as test runner [3] and we also
use Mago for desktop testing [4]

Please, let us know if you have any more questions and welcome!



> Regards.
> Víctor.

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