
Ronald McCollam ronald.mccollam at canonical.com
Mon Jul 19 14:55:28 UTC 2010

Hello and welcome, Todd!

On Mon, 2010-07-19 at 10:36 -0400, Todd Davenport wrote:
> Where would I find the testing ISO?  

If you're interested in the latest daily builds, they can be found at:

The "daily-live" image is the standard desktop install CD.  The latest
is always found under "current", so the latest Ubuntu install CD would
be at:

(Other flavors are also available on cdimage.ubuntu.com of course.)

If you are willing and able, joining in ISO testing is a huge help.  You
can find more information about it here:

Maverick Alpha 3 is scheduled to be released on 5 August, so during the
week or so running up to that we'll be heavily involved in ISO testing.

Please feel free to ask if you have any questions.

> Can I also upgrade the current version to the testing version via the
> update manager.

Absolutely.  If you're feeling adventurous and want to try this, open a
terminal (Applications - Accessories - Terminal on a standard desktop
install) and type:

sudo update-manager -d

This will prompt you for your password and then run the update manager.
You'll see a notice at the top that a new release is available and a
button to click to start the process.

Good luck!

 - rm

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