For those interested in helping with testcase documentation

Shane Fagan shanepatrickfagan at
Fri Jan 15 16:59:17 UTC 2010

Hey Dave,
On Fri, 2010-01-15 at 15:53 +0000, Dave Morley wrote:
> I am in the middle of throwing a wiki page together which lists pages
> that we still need a case for, need cases updating or moving to
> depreciated.
> This is as much for me as for anyone that wants to help out with it, if
> you want to tackle some cases please just add your nick to the end of
> the case you are working on to help us know what to work on and once you
> have done it just remove the line of text.
> Here is the page:
> Many thanks in advance
> Dave
"tests for common apps like thunderbird, liferea etc (popcon info could
be useful here)." This requires a little explanation to me. You are
depricating the gimp testcase but you are making some for thunderbird
and liferea. This is a little bit strange IMO. Maybe create an optional
test cases section for gimp, thunderbird, liferea etc? This would be
nice because then people can focus on the main test cases then if they
have time to test everything else they can.

Shane Fagan

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