A script I wrote to quickly download the daily builds

Steve Beattie sbeattie at ubuntu.com
Fri Aug 27 08:28:19 UTC 2010

On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 06:11:09PM -0400, Jeff Stone wrote:
> I hope this is appropriate to share here,

Most definitely, thanks for the interest in testing daily isos.

> I've written the following script to help download daily builds. I
> call it zsync-ubuntu-daily-live. As it is right now, if you execute
> it with no parameters, it will automatically download the ubuntu
> and ubuntu-netbook daily build, but it also supports kubuntu and
> xubuntu. Extending it for other *buntus is straightforward.  First it
> checks for a new build by comparing the timestamp of MD5SUMS. If
> there's a new build, it will use zsync or wget as appropriate. You
> need the zsync package installed.

A number of the people who test isos are using the dl-ubuntu-test-iso


from the ubuntu-qa-tools project:


It's a tad overcomplicated and somewhat hackish for what it does,
but it supports picking and choosing the various *buntus and flavors
(daily-live, alternate, dvd) as well as arches (though it doesn't
support arm varieties yet). It also attempts to use zsync first
and falls back to anonymous rsync access (which cdimages.ubuntu.com
supports) if zsync isn't available. At least a few of us run it out
of cron to keep our set of daily images up to date.

Ideally, it would integrate well with the testdrive tool:


for quickly spinning up isos in VMs for testing, but no one's had
the time to take that on this cycle (that I'm aware of).

(I also had grandiose plans of adding jigdo support as well as support
for feeding into an apt caching daemon like apt-cacher or

You're obviously welcome to use and develop whatever tool you find
most convenient. Thanks again for the interest.

Steve Beattie
<sbeattie at ubuntu.com>
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