Ubuntu QA IRC meeting, tomorrow, 11th Aug, 17th

Ara Pulido ara at ubuntu.com
Tue Aug 10 15:58:43 UTC 2010

Hello all!

I want to remind everybody that tomorrow we are having our weekly QA IRC
meeting at 17:00UTC at #ubuntu-quality.

The agenda so far is:

 * review previous action items (all)
 * Introducing Jean-Baptiste Lallement
 * SRU testing -- sbeattie, jibel
 * Bug Day status -- pvillavi
 * Ubuntu 10.04.1 Testing status -- ara
 * Maverick Alpha 3 Spec Status -- all
 * Selection of new chair -- ara

Feel free to add new agenda items at


I want to stress that everybody is welcome to join the meeting and add
their opinions.


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