Lucid Testing Team

Michael Fletcher m.fletcher at
Mon Nov 16 20:19:05 UTC 2009


I wont be able to attend the UDS-L Testing Team session in any form so I
thought I would give my 2 cents as an occasional ubuntu qa contributor ...
*I believe you could increase community contributions by giving Karma points
for the QA activities, in particular submitting test results.  Based on the
Karma given contributing test results are of no value (which is untrue of

Provide greater visibility into Checkbox.  I run the basic tests on all my
machines on most of the alphas and betas.  However nothing ever happens
after I run the test suite so I wonder if there is any value (which there is
of coarse!).

I have wondered what I should be testing.  A function that told we there
only was 10% coverage on Lucid Alpha 4 on the hardware I own would sure
entice me to test the alpha!

Also, provide greater visibility into checkbox for test contributors.  If I
contributed a test for Tomboy Note Taker I would love to see the results as
users execute those tests.
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