killall depreciation?

Mackenzie Morgan macoafi at
Fri Nov 13 18:58:31 UTC 2009

On Friday 13 November 2009 1:38:32 pm Lee, Ju-hyoung wrote:
> By Ubuntu 9.04, I used 'killall' command for a certain network service
>  management. For example, before I run wireless driver only test, I run
>  three times of this command with 'NetworkManager', 'nm-applet' and
>  'wpa_supplicant'. This gives me more accurate driver behavior.
> At Ub 9.10, we saw the 'killall' not functional. However we found the
>  workaround 'service network-manager stop'. Does any of you know if this
>  command is permanently depreciation, or a bug for now? I could not find
>  the documents or bug record so far, and want to ask to community. Any
>  comment?

killall is fine, Maybe you're giving it the wrong process name? NM used to be 
NetworkManager but is now network-manager

Mackenzie Morgan
apt-get moo

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