Testing new features in Jaunty

Ara ara at ubuntu.com
Fri Jan 9 10:00:13 UTC 2009

Hello fellow devs!

At the QA team we are trying to organize Testing Days [1] to cover new 
features for Jaunty.
It has happened before that a new feature well documented with its 
blueprint and its spec never gets tested and it happens to have a major 
bug that it is only found very late in the cycle.

We are trying to minimize these cases organizing special Testing Days to 
cover such features. So, if you're developing a new feature and want it 
to be tested in a Testing Day, please, add the feature to the list in 
the wiki [2], so we can schedule it.


[1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/UbuntuTestingDay
[2] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/UbuntuTestingDay/Features

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