Possible Upgrade regime for this cycle

Dave Morley davmor2 at davmor2.co.uk
Thu Dec 3 09:25:44 UTC 2009

My thinking is that it would be good to get this etched out as early in
the release as possible.  Also stick to some basic guidelines so that
results are common and predictable.

My thinking falls into 5 categories:

1. There should be packages from universe, mulitverse and at least one
from somewhere else either ppa or source built.  My thinking here is
what action will need to be taken with apps that have been source built
so we can pre-emptively tell users you will or won't need to rebuild
this app.  My thinking on multiverse is that it is most likely to be
used by desktop people rather than server admins (who will probably
restrict themselves to universe and source).  Universe is likely to be
used by everyone.

2. There should be a mixture of upto date, fresh install and partially
update base systems.  Most systems are never fully up-to-date so it
would be interesting to see what happens if you upgrade from a partially
updated system.  People might try a fresh install of hardy/karmic on new
hardware that isn't supported by hardy/karmic and so upgrade lucid to
see if it functions correctly there.  Most sysadmins will keep a system
fairly up-to-date due to security flaws so it's obviously also important
to upgrade from up-to-date base systems.

3. Dapper is get on for end of life so it would be good to ensure it can
still upgrade to the latest hardy with no issues.  The thinking being
most sysadmins will want to run 1 lts behind the current lts till they
have to upgrade.  This is noticeable in companies where there are a lot
of computers still running much older os's than is currently out.
Dapper->hardy can also be hit hardest at the next hardy point release.

4. The obvious hardy->lucid upgrade as well as the Karmic->lucid
upgrade.  We need to be sure that everything current can get to lucid.

5. There should be a cloud upgrade option added to the tracker, being as
it is stated as one of the plus points of ubuntu server.  (Will probably
be handled by the server team but would also be good to bring up with
them I think).

My thinking is to stick with the basic upgrades on testing weeks but run
the others at least once a month to ensure they all function in a
typical manner everytime, any thoughts?

Seek That Thy Might Know

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