My Contribution For The Next QA Status Report : IRC Release Meeting
Null Ack
nullack at
Sat Sep 13 03:51:14 UTC 2008
As the weekend may put a delay on getting a response on how best to
provide my contirbutions for the QA status report I'm providing it
Generally there was a range of things that disappointed me with the
quality aspects of the 8.04 LTS release and even a casual look at user
feedback on the ubuntu forums shows some strong negative feedback from
many people. This extended to upstream critics as well, such as the
audio implementation for Hardy basically being labelled as botched by
upstream. This is why I am especially keen to contribute to this part
of the QA team's work for future releases.
Also while I have accepted the reasons for my first application for
membership into the QA team being declined, I have a sense that the
amount of work I'm doing is not clearly visible to you all. By
contributing to the QA status report it is one way of showing the
significant amount of time thats gone into my work.
1. Items I Consider Critical for Resolution Prior To Beta:
257403 - Update Flash plugin 10 to the new RC - wishlist
246911 - [Wishlist] please add libnspr4-0d to ia32-libs
These two bugs really should not have a priority of wishlist. The user
experience on flash is a core user experience that people naturally
expect to just work. It bothers me how people deciding on the priority
have become so disconnected with the user experience that we label
fundamentals as wishlist - especially when the current revisions are
unstable development revisions not production releases. I don't have
time to create a litany of known issues with the current version of
flash, but suffice to say its not good and the path to a good flash
experience involves synching to upstream.
251910 - gvfsd-trash crashed with SIGSEGV in g_idle_funcs()
This occurred for me today again, so its still current in Intrepid. Im
unsure if it should go upstream or not but since its the weekend I
probably wont see Sebastien on IRC until Monday. There is problems in
a wider context with debugging and how users are engaged for
backtraces which I am working on separately to this email.
258743 - NM 0.7 Fails To Set Custom MTU
Im unable to set valid maximum transmission unit values in NM. More
seriously, the assignment of static IP addresses is not persistant.
Right now Im forced to use DHCP with mac reservation (which I dont
want to do) to have an easy network experience. A related but seperate
bug is number 256054.
243803 - Grub Installs To Wrong Root Path
On both ubuiqity and alternate there is a hardware specific problem
that results in the wrong boot path and no boot. Ive seen this on my
old test machine, the ubuntu forums and in the blogsphere. I no longer
have test access to that hardware so I can't personally help with
testing any longer but it is a real bug that is problematic for new
users to diagnose and resolve.
Generally for beta my view is that users should be able to reliably
install the software, setup their network, browse websites including
flash and not have processes segfaulting.
2. Items I Consider Critical For Resolution Prior To Production:
246269 - Switched from vesafb to uvesafb, but uvesafb can't work without v86d
I cant run high resolution modes in virtual consoles and on bootup
there is kernel log errors about the framebuffer.
256494 - compiz turned on again during update after I had desktop
effects turned off
An annoyance where compiz does not respect my wish to be off where it
turns itself on at each reboot
262027 - Nvidia GLX Upgrade Erroneously Reports Success to Synaptic on Fail
Bug in driver install where it aborts with a resolve manually yet
tells Synaptic the install went ok
259017 - Audigy2 No Audio By Default
Someone changed the default toggle in the audigy2 driver to be
digital. Most users have an analogue speaker setup and will not have
any sound working until they manually tell alsamixer they dont have a
digital amplification setup for their speakers.
255929 - Totem Fails On Multiple Audio and Subtitle Streams
Video experience is broken for content that has multiple audio streams
or multiple subtitle streams
257818 - Totem Fails To Deinterlace
Totem is not deinterlacing content that is interlaced using the
standard gstreamer back end even though the gstreamer framework has
the capability to do so
263153 - gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg caused crash on some ASF file and many
other problems to do with an old ffmpeg
Again I dont have time to create a litany of the issues caused by
having an old ffmpeg but its suffice to say that the gstreamer ffmpeg
plugin is a core component to a users video experience on Ubuntu
because it contains demuxers and decoders that are widely deployed on
the internet. There is a bunch of bugs in LP that have the root cause
of not being up to date with SVN of ffmpeg. Ubuntu needs to achieve a
process that routinely synchs to ffmpeg SVN on a regular basis.
3. Items That Would Be Nice To Resolve That Shouldnt Take Much Work
My little wishlist if your will:
263819 - BluBuntu Meta Package Misses Ubuntulooks
263817 - GPAR2 Incorrectly Uses The Ubuntu Icon
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