Ubuntu Brainstorm: Ubuntu developers and moderators wanted

Henrik Nilsen Omma henrik at canonical.com
Mon Mar 3 20:26:47 UTC 2008


The Ubuntu Brainstorm site is now live at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/ 
and the ideas are streaming in.

We have set up 'developer' and 'moderator' roles and would like Ubuntu 
developers and active community members to participate.

'Developer' access lets you set the state of an idea (New, Work in 
progress, Done, etc.) and post comments clearly marked as a developer. 
Any motu or core dev can be registered as a developer on brainstorm.

'Moderator' access lets you edit idea texts, delete ideas and merge 
duplicate submissions. This is open to current forum moderators, 
developers, bug control members and other upstanding members of the 
community :)

Please email me off-list if you are interested in one or both of these 
roles on Brainstorm. Thanks!

At some point before UDS we'll digest the list of most popular ideas and 
present a list of UDS topic suggestions.


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