Handling SRU testcases in launchpad

Steve Beattie sbeattie at ubuntu.com
Thu Jun 5 22:41:08 UTC 2008

[Bjorn, I've cc:ed you on this, because we'd like to get the launchpad
 team's perspective on the cleanest way to handle these.]

In yesterday's QA team meeting, a discussion arose around how we handle
test cases in launchpad. On of the things the QA team would like to do
is to be able to pull out test cases from launchpad, present them to
testers, and record results in a way similar to the iso testing tracker
on qa.ubuntu.com.

However, the current way test cases are annotated in launchpad are
suboptimal for tools to pull them out automatically, as some are in the
comments, some are in the descriptions, and there's no clear ending to
the testcase (are there other issues?). We'd like to fix this with the
constraint that it be both easy to pull them out programmatically *and*
see them visually when examining the bug via the web interface.

One proposal by Brian Murray was to make the test case(s) an attachment
with standardized naming. The downside is that attachments aren't
displayed inline and so viewers of the bug won't see them without
effort. Proposed solutions to this include making python-launchpad-bugs
modify the description to include the test case or extending the QA
greasemonkey scripts to display test case attachments inline (downside
is that not many people use the greasemonkey scripts).

Another approach (advocated for by Jordan Mantha) would be to just ensure
that the test cases are always included in the description and have an
improved format that includes both a beginning and ending marker.

Opinions? Alternate approaches? Flames?

(In the longer term, would it be useful for launchpad to treat test
cases as first class objects?)


Steve Beattie
<sbeattie at ubuntu.com>
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