Notes from QA metrics brainstorming
Lars Wirzenius
lars at
Tue Jan 22 15:02:10 UTC 2008
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2008-01-22: Distro sprint, QA metrics brainstorming
We had a brainstorming session about QA metrics, mostly about bug
statics, for Ubuntu. Here are unstructured notes for those interested.
Note that these are ideas, not necessarily decisions to act.
* total counts
* turn-around times
o average time to first reply
o average time to fix
o closed at incomplete
* fraction sent upstream
* fraction fixed by upstream
* crashers vs. usability bugs
* universe vs. main
- total bug counts
- how do we slice this? per package? per main/universe/...?
- rate of opening vs rate of closing bugs: difference should not be big
- we have raw numbers
- do we want to show a "health of Ubuntu" page that is less
directed at releasing than the weather report?
- what is a good way to display the information?
- launchpad has /+text and activity logs for bug state changes
=> good for answering "how long does it take to get bugs triaged?"
- might not be quite complete
=> ask for /+text to be changed to include everything from /+activity
- querying for all bugs might be very heavy: ask for a database dump
of launchpad?
- possibly use the archives of the bugs-dist mailing list?
- have launchpad send a mail to people who file a bug for the first time,
or file a bug for the first time against a new package
- preferably so that the e-mail is customized according to the package
- text of e-mail editable in the same way as the guided bug reporting text
- launchpad bug watches for upstream bug tracking systems can't be fixed
if they're wrong
- we can get numbers on "needs to be sent upstream" and "has been sent
=> we can perhaps get community to help with the first class
- crashers: if 90% or more are from apport, we can assume the apport-crash
tag is sufficient to identify these
- X and kernel crashes don't get apport crash reports
- searching for attachments of suitable types would help fixing this
- for a given package: what's the fraction of apport bugs?
- have results by status according to age of newest action or comment
on bug: would make it easy to find, say, "fix-committed" bugs that are
many months old
- "recently changed" in advanced query?
- task for new people to start on qa, housekeeping: going through
new bugs with no attachments or replies since X days and asking the
submitters whether they're still having the problem and later to close
bugs that still have not received a reply
- make a per package or package type/team page with summary status of
qa related things for that package
- find ten or so groups of packages such as "printing" and report those
separately, in addition to per package
- integrate these to the developer-weather-report code, possibly show it
in another instance, requires Django
- Henrik will get a new (virtual) box from IS for this
- also Brian's bug stats pages etc should go there
- timetables: we'll (= brian) start with per-package overview pages, and
then expand that to per-group/per-team
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