desktop-selftest stuff

Lars Wirzenius lars at
Fri Jan 18 04:17:18 UTC 2008

I wrote a first rough draft of the desktop-selftest program and package
today. I haven't made a .deb available, but the bzr branches are here:

The former is the "upstream" branch, the latter has the Ubuntu
packaging. I don't like keeping packaging in the same branch as the
upstream stuff, so they're separate. (This will be handy when there's a
package specifically for Debian, for example.)

Get trunk.ubuntu and then run "dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -us -uc" to
build a .deb, then install that, then run "desktop-selftest --default". 

I figure using Launchpad for these will happen soon and then a .deb can
be made available via that.

See README and the manual page for detailed usage.

FWIW, this isn't using Marc Tardiff's hwtest infrastructure since it was
faster to set this up (it's very simple, anyway) than to learn hwtest
right now. I expect some or all of this will be replaced with hwtest
stuff later or possibly sooner, though. But we'll see.

I've included the gthumb and nautilus tests from the wiki, to have
something to test against. When I build the .deb and install it in a
hardy kvm/qemu instance, it runs the test pretty nicely.

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